
SHOULD_RESIST | Monkey checks |
AI_MAX_PATH_LENGTH | For JPS pathing, the maximum length of a path we'll try to generate. Should be modularized depending on what we're doing later on |
AI_FAILED_PLANNING_COOLDOWN | Cooldown on planning if planning failed last time |
AI_CONTROLLER_INCOMPATIBLE | Flags for ai_behavior new() |
AI_BEHAVIOR_REQUIRE_MOVEMENT | Does this task require movement from the AI before it can be performed? |
AI_BEHAVIOR_MOVE_AND_PERFORM | Does this task let you perform the action while you move closer? (Things like moving and shooting) |
SUBTREE_RETURN_FINISH_PLANNING | Subtree defines This subtree should cancel any further planning, (Including from other subtrees) |
HAUNTED_ITEM_ATTACK_HAUNT_CHANCE | Haunted item controller defines Chance for haunted item to haunt someone |
HAUNTED_ITEM_ESCAPE_GRASP_CHANCE | Chance for haunted item to try to get itself let go. |
HAUNTED_ITEM_TELEPORT_CHANCE | Chance for haunted item to warp somewhere new |
HAUNTED_ITEM_AGGRO_ADDITION | Amount of aggro you get when picking up a haunted item |
BB_TO_HAUNT_LIST | Blackboard keys for haunted items |
BB_HAUNT_TARGET | Actual mob the item is haunting at the moment |
BB_HAUNTED_THROW_ATTEMPT_COUNT | Amount of successful hits in a row this item has had |
CURSED_VIEW_RANGE | Cursed item controller defines how far a cursed item will still try to chase a target |
BB_CURSE_TARGET | Actual mob the item is haunting at the moment |
BB_TARGET_SLOT | Where the item wants to land on |
BB_CURSED_THROW_ATTEMPT_COUNT | Amount of successful hits in a row this item has had |
BB_VENDING_CURRENT_TARGET | Vending machine AI controller blackboard keys |
BB_CUSTOMER_CURRENT_ORDER | Robot customer AI controller blackboard keys |
BB_CUSTOMER_SAID_CANT_FIND_SEAT_LINE | Robot customer has said their can't find seat line at least once. Used to rate limit how often they'll complain after the first time. |
BB_HOSTILE_ORDER_MODE | Hostile AI controller blackboard keys |
BB_HOSTILE_VISION_RANGE | Basically, what is our vision/hearing range. |
AI_HOSTILE_COMMAND_COOLDOWN | After either being given a verbal order or a pointing order, ignore further of each for this duration |
HOSTILE_COMMAND_NONE | Don't do anything (will still react to stuff around them though) |
HOSTILE_COMMAND_ATTACK | Will attack a target. |
HOSTILE_COMMAND_FOLLOW | Will follow a target. |
BB_SIMPLE_CARRY_ITEM | Dog AI controller blackboard keys |
AI_DOG_VISION_RANGE | Basically, what is our vision/hearing range for picking up on things to fetch |
AI_DOG_PET_FRIEND_PROB | What are the odds someone petting us will become our friend? |
AI_FETCH_IGNORE_DURATION | After this long without having fetched something, we clear our ignore list |
AI_DOG_HEEL_DURATION | After being ordered to heel, we spend this long chilling out |
AI_DOG_COMMAND_COOLDOWN | After either being given a verbal order or a pointing order, ignore further of each for this duration |
DOG_COMMAND_NONE | Don't do anything (will still react to stuff around them though) |
DOG_COMMAND_FETCH | Will try to pick up and bring back whatever you point to |
DOG_COMMAND_ATTACK | Will get within a few tiles of whatever you point at and continually growl/bark. If the target is a living mob who gets too close, the dog will attack them with bites |
BB_BANE_BATMAN | bane ai |
Define Details
Does this task let you perform the action while you move closer? (Things like moving and shooting)
Does this task require movement from the AI before it can be performed?
Flags for ai_behavior new()
After either being given a verbal order or a pointing order, ignore further of each for this duration
After being ordered to heel, we spend this long chilling out
What are the odds someone petting us will become our friend?
Basically, what is our vision/hearing range for picking up on things to fetch
Cooldown on planning if planning failed last time
After this long without having fetched something, we clear our ignore list
After either being given a verbal order or a pointing order, ignore further of each for this duration
For JPS pathing, the maximum length of a path we'll try to generate. Should be modularized depending on what we're doing later on
bane ai
Amount of successful hits in a row this item has had
Actual mob the item is haunting at the moment
Robot customer AI controller blackboard keys
Robot customer has said their can't find seat line at least once. Used to rate limit how often they'll complain after the first time.
Amount of successful hits in a row this item has had
Actual mob the item is haunting at the moment
Hostile AI controller blackboard keys
Basically, what is our vision/hearing range.
Dog AI controller blackboard keys
Where the item wants to land on
Blackboard keys for haunted items
Vending machine AI controller blackboard keys
Cursed item controller defines how far a cursed item will still try to chase a target
Will get within a few tiles of whatever you point at and continually growl/bark. If the target is a living mob who gets too close, the dog will attack them with bites
Will try to pick up and bring back whatever you point to
Don't do anything (will still react to stuff around them though)
Amount of aggro you get when picking up a haunted item
Haunted item controller defines Chance for haunted item to haunt someone
Chance for haunted item to try to get itself let go.
Chance for haunted item to warp somewhere new
Will attack a target.
Will follow a target.
Don't do anything (will still react to stuff around them though)
Monkey checks
Subtree defines This subtree should cancel any further planning, (Including from other subtrees)