
TCMB | -270.3degC |
TCRYO | -48.15degC |
T0C | 0degC |
T20C | 20degC |
COLD_ROOM_TEMP | -14C - Temperature used for kitchen cold room, medical freezer, etc. |
MINIMUM_HEAT_CAPACITY | I feel the need to document what happens here. Basically this is used catch rounding errors, and make gas go away in small portions. People have raised it to higher levels in the past, do not do this. Consider this number a soft limit If you're making gasmixtures that have unexpected behavior related to this value, you're doing something wrong. |
MINIMUM_MOLE_COUNT | Minimum mole count of a gas |
MOLAR_ACCURACY | Molar accuracy to round to |
GAS_TYPE_COUNT | Types of gases (based on gaslist_cache) |
MAXIMUM_ERROR_GAS_REMOVAL | Maximum error caused by QUANTIZE when removing gas (roughly, in reality around 2 * MOLAR_ACCURACY less) |
MOLES_CELLSTANDARD | moles in a 2.5 m^3 cell at 101.325 Pa and 20 degC (103 or so) |
M_CELL_WITH_RATIO | compared against for superconductivity |
O2STANDARD | percentage of oxygen in a normal mixture of air |
N2STANDARD | same but for nitrogen |
MOLES_O2STANDARD | O2 standard value (21%) |
MOLES_N2STANDARD | N2 standard value (79%) |
CELL_VOLUME | liters in a cell |
BREATH_PERCENTAGE | Amount of air to take a from a tile |
EXCITED_GROUP_BREAKDOWN_CYCLES | Some further context on breakdown. Unlike dismantle, the breakdown ticker doesn't reset itself when a tile is added This is because we cannot expect maps to have small spaces, so we need to even ourselves out often We do this to avoid equalizing a large space in one tick, with some significant amount of say heat diff This way large areas don't suddenly all become cold at once, it acts more like a wave |
EXCITED_GROUP_DISMANTLE_CYCLES | number of FULL air controller ticks before an excited group dismantles and removes its turfs from active |
MINIMUM_AIR_RATIO_TO_SUSPEND | Ratio of air that must move to/from a tile to reset group processing |
MINIMUM_AIR_RATIO_TO_MOVE | Minimum ratio of air that must move to/from a tile |
MINIMUM_AIR_TO_SUSPEND | Minimum amount of air that has to move before a group processing can be suspended (Round about 10) |
MINIMUM_MOLES_DELTA_TO_MOVE | Either this must be active (round about 0.1) //Might need to raise this a tad to better support space leaks. we'll see |
MINIMUM_TEMPERATURE_TO_MOVE | or this (or both, obviously) |
MINIMUM_TEMPERATURE_DELTA_TO_SUSPEND | Minimum temperature difference before group processing is suspended |
MINIMUM_TEMPERATURE_DELTA_TO_CONSIDER | Minimum temperature difference before the gas temperatures are just set to be equal |
HEAT_CAPACITY_VACUUM | a hack to help make vacuums "cold", sacrificing realism for gameplay |
MOLES_GAS_VISIBLE | Moles in a standard cell after which gases are visible |
FACTOR_GAS_VISIBLE_MAX | moles_visible * FACTOR_GAS_VISIBLE_MAX = Moles after which gas is at maximum visibility |
MOLES_GAS_VISIBLE_STEP | Mole step for alpha updates. This means alpha can update at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and so on |
TOTAL_VISIBLE_STATES | The total visible states |
FUSION_RAD_MAX | Max amount of radiation that can be emitted per reaction cycle |
FUSION_INSTABILITY_ENDOTHERMALITY | Maximum instability before the reaction goes endothermic |
FUSION_MAXIMUM_TEMPERATURE | Maximum reachable fusion temperature |
HAZARD_HIGH_PRESSURE | This determins at what pressure the ultra-high pressure red icon is displayed. (This one is set as a constant) |
WARNING_HIGH_PRESSURE | This determins when the orange pressure icon is displayed (it is 0.7 * HAZARD_HIGH_PRESSURE) |
WARNING_LOW_PRESSURE | This is when the gray low pressure icon is displayed. (it is 2.5 * HAZARD_LOW_PRESSURE) |
HAZARD_LOW_PRESSURE | This is when the black ultra-low pressure icon is displayed. (This one is set as a constant) |
TEMPERATURE_DAMAGE_COEFFICIENT | This is used in handle_temperature_damage() for humans, and in reagents that affect body temperature. Temperature damage is multiplied by this amount. |
BODYTEMP_NORMAL | The natural temperature for a body |
BODYTEMP_AUTORECOVERY_DIVISOR | This is the divisor which handles how much of the temperature difference between the current body temperature and 310.15K (optimal temperature) humans auto-regenerate each tick. The higher the number, the slower the recovery. This is applied each tick, so long as the mob is alive. |
BODYTEMP_AUTORECOVERY_MINIMUM | Minimum amount of kelvin moved toward 310K per tick. So long as abs(310.15 - bodytemp) is more than 50. |
BODYTEMP_COLD_DIVISOR | Similar to the BODYTEMP_AUTORECOVERY_DIVISOR, but this is the divisor which is applied at the stage that follows autorecovery. This is the divisor which comes into play when the human's loc temperature is lower than their body temperature. Make it lower to lose bodytemp faster. |
BODYTEMP_HEAT_DIVISOR | Similar to the BODYTEMP_AUTORECOVERY_DIVISOR, but this is the divisor which is applied at the stage that follows autorecovery. This is the divisor which comes into play when the human's loc temperature is higher than their body temperature. Make it lower to gain bodytemp faster. |
BODYTEMP_COOLING_MAX | The maximum number of degrees that your body can cool in 1 tick, due to the environment, when in a cold area. |
BODYTEMP_HEATING_MAX | The maximum number of degrees that your body can heat up in 1 tick, due to the environment, when in a hot area. |
BODYTEMP_HEAT_DAMAGE_LIMIT | The body temperature limit the human body can take before it starts taking damage from heat. This also affects how fast the body normalises it's temperature when hot. 340k is about 66c, and rather high for a human. |
BODYTEMP_COLD_DAMAGE_LIMIT | The body temperature limit the human body can take before it starts taking damage from cold. This also affects how fast the body normalises it's temperature when cold. 270k is about -3c, that is below freezing and would hurt over time. |
BODYTEMP_HEAT_WOUND_LIMIT | The body temperature limit the human body can take before it will take wound damage. |
BODYTEMP_HULK_COLD_DAMAGE_LIMIT_MODIFIER | The modifier on cold damage limit hulks get ontop of their regular limit |
HULK_COLD_DAMAGE_MOD | The modifier on cold damage hulks get. |
BODYTEMP_HEAT_WARNING_3 | The temperature the red icon is displayed. |
BODYTEMP_HEAT_WARNING_2 | The temperature the orange icon is displayed. |
BODYTEMP_HEAT_WARNING_1 | The temperature the yellow icon is displayed. |
BODYTEMP_COLD_WARNING_1 | The temperature the light green icon is displayed. |
BODYTEMP_COLD_WARNING_2 | The temperature the cyan icon is displayed. |
BODYTEMP_COLD_WARNING_3 | The temperature the blue icon is displayed. |
SPACE_HELM_MIN_TEMP_PROTECT | what min_cold_protection_temperature is set to for space-helmet quality headwear. MUST NOT BE 0. |
SPACE_HELM_MAX_TEMP_PROTECT | Thermal insulation works both ways /Malkevin |
SPACE_SUIT_MIN_TEMP_PROTECT | what min_cold_protection_temperature is set to for space-suit quality jumpsuits or suits. MUST NOT BE 0. |
SPACE_SUIT_MIN_TEMP_PROTECT_OFF | The min cold protection of a space suit without the heater active |
FIRE_SUIT_MIN_TEMP_PROTECT | Cold protection for firesuits |
FIRE_SUIT_MAX_TEMP_PROTECT | what max_heat_protection_temperature is set to for firesuit quality suits. MUST NOT BE 0. |
FIRE_HELM_MIN_TEMP_PROTECT | Cold protection for fire helmets |
FIRE_HELM_MAX_TEMP_PROTECT | for fire helmet quality items (red and white hardhats) |
FIRE_IMMUNITY_MAX_TEMP_PROTECT | what max_heat_protection_temperature is set to for firesuit quality suits and helmets. MUST NOT BE 0. |
HELMET_MIN_TEMP_PROTECT | For normal helmets |
HELMET_MAX_TEMP_PROTECT | For normal helmets |
GLOVES_MIN_TEMP_PROTECT | For some gloves (black and) |
GLOVES_MAX_TEMP_PROTECT | For some gloves |
PRESSURE_DAMAGE_COEFFICIENT | The amount of pressure damage someone takes is equal to (pressure / HAZARD_HIGH_PRESSURE)*PRESSURE_DAMAGE_COEFFICIENT, with the maximum of MAX_PRESSURE_DAMAGE |
LOW_PRESSURE_DAMAGE | The amount of damage someone takes when in a low pressure area (The pressure threshold is so low that it doesn't make sense to do any calculations, so it just applies this flat value). |
COLD_SLOWDOWN_FACTOR | Humans are slowed by the difference between bodytemp and BODYTEMP_COLD_DAMAGE_LIMIT divided by this |
MAX_OUTPUT_PRESSURE | (kPa) What pressure pumps and powered equipment max out at. |
MAX_TRANSFER_RATE | (L/s) Maximum speed powered equipment can work at. |
VOLUME_PUMP_LEAK_AMOUNT | How many percent of the contents that an overclocked volume pumps leak into the air |
TANK_MELT_TEMPERATURE | temperature in kelvins at which a tank will start to melt |
TANK_LEAK_PRESSURE | Tank starts leaking |
TANK_RUPTURE_PRESSURE | Tank spills all contents into atmosphere |
TANK_FRAGMENT_PRESSURE | Boom 3x3 base explosion |
TANK_FRAGMENT_SCALE | +1 for each SCALE kPa aboe threshold |
ATMOS_PASS_PROC | ask CanAtmosPass() |
ATMOS_PASS_DENSITY | just check density |
OPENTURF_DEFAULT_ATMOS | the default air mix that open turfs spawn |
TCOMMS_ATMOS | -193,15°C telecommunications. also used for xenobiology slime killrooms |
FROZEN_ATMOS | -93.15°C snow and ice turfs |
KITCHEN_COLDROOM_ATMOS | -14°C kitchen coldroom, just might loss your tail; higher amount of mol to reach about 101.3 kpA |
BURNMIX_ATMOS | used in the holodeck burn test program |
LAVALAND_EQUIPMENT_EFFECT_PRESSURE | what pressure you have to be under to increase the effect of equipment meant for lavaland |
PIPING_ALL_LAYER | intended to connect with all layers, check for all instead of just one. |
PIPING_ONE_PER_TURF | can only be built if nothing else with this flag is on the tile already. |
PIPING_CARDINAL_AUTONORMALIZE | north/south east/west doesn't matter, auto normalize on build. |
PIPING_ALL_COLORS | intended to connect with everything, both layers and colors |
PIPING_BRIDGE | can bridge over pipenets |
VENTCRAWL_ALLOWED | Allows for ventcrawling to occur. All atmospheric machines have this flag on by default. Cryo is the exception |
VENTCRAWL_ENTRANCE_ALLOWED | Allows mobs to enter or leave from atmospheric machines. On for passive, unary, and scrubber vents. |
VENTCRAWL_CAN_SEE | Used to check if a machinery is visible. Called by update_pipe_vision(). On by default for all except cryo. |
Define Details
For armor
For armor
just check density
ask CanAtmosPass()
This is the divisor which handles how much of the temperature difference between the current body temperature and 310.15K (optimal temperature) humans auto-regenerate each tick. The higher the number, the slower the recovery. This is applied each tick, so long as the mob is alive.
Minimum amount of kelvin moved toward 310K per tick. So long as abs(310.15 - bodytemp) is more than 50.
The body temperature limit the human body can take before it starts taking damage from cold. This also affects how fast the body normalises it's temperature when cold. 270k is about -3c, that is below freezing and would hurt over time.
Similar to the BODYTEMP_AUTORECOVERY_DIVISOR, but this is the divisor which is applied at the stage that follows autorecovery. This is the divisor which comes into play when the human's loc temperature is lower than their body temperature. Make it lower to lose bodytemp faster.
The temperature the light green icon is displayed.
The temperature the cyan icon is displayed.
The temperature the blue icon is displayed.
The maximum number of degrees that your body can cool in 1 tick, due to the environment, when in a cold area.
The maximum number of degrees that your body can heat up in 1 tick, due to the environment, when in a hot area.
The body temperature limit the human body can take before it starts taking damage from heat. This also affects how fast the body normalises it's temperature when hot. 340k is about 66c, and rather high for a human.
Similar to the BODYTEMP_AUTORECOVERY_DIVISOR, but this is the divisor which is applied at the stage that follows autorecovery. This is the divisor which comes into play when the human's loc temperature is higher than their body temperature. Make it lower to gain bodytemp faster.
The temperature the yellow icon is displayed.
The temperature the orange icon is displayed.
The temperature the red icon is displayed.
The body temperature limit the human body can take before it will take wound damage.
The modifier on cold damage limit hulks get ontop of their regular limit
The natural temperature for a body
Amount of air to take a from a tile
- liters in a normal breath. note that breaths are taken once every 4 life ticks, which is 8 seconds
- Addendum for people tweaking this value in the future.
- Because o2 tank release values/human o2 requirements are very strictly set to the same pressure, small errors can cause breakage
- This comes from QUANTIZE being used in /datum/gas_mixture.remove(), forming a slight sawtooth pattern of the added/removed gas, centered on the actual pressure
- Changing BREATH_VOLUME can set us on the lower half of this sawtooth, making humans unable to breath at standard pressure.
- There's no good way I can come up with to hardcode a fix for this. So if you're going to change this variable
- graph the functions that describe how it is used/how it interacts with breath code, and pick something on the upper half of the sawtooth
used in the holodeck burn test program
liters in a cell
-14C - Temperature used for kitchen cold room, medical freezer, etc.
Humans are slowed by the difference between bodytemp and BODYTEMP_COLD_DAMAGE_LIMIT divided by this
Some further context on breakdown. Unlike dismantle, the breakdown ticker doesn't reset itself when a tile is added This is because we cannot expect maps to have small spaces, so we need to even ourselves out often We do this to avoid equalizing a large space in one tick, with some significant amount of say heat diff This way large areas don't suddenly all become cold at once, it acts more like a wave
Because of this and the behavior of share(), the breakdown cycles value can be tweaked directly to effect how fast we want gas to move number of FULL air controller ticks before an excited group breaks down (averages gas contents across turfs)
number of FULL air controller ticks before an excited group dismantles and removes its turfs from active
moles_visible * FACTOR_GAS_VISIBLE_MAX = Moles after which gas is at maximum visibility
for fire helmet quality items (red and white hardhats)
Cold protection for fire helmets
what max_heat_protection_temperature is set to for firesuit quality suits and helmets. MUST NOT BE 0.
what max_heat_protection_temperature is set to for firesuit quality suits. MUST NOT BE 0.
Cold protection for firesuits
-93.15°C snow and ice turfs
Maximum instability before the reaction goes endothermic
Maximum reachable fusion temperature
Max amount of radiation that can be emitted per reaction cycle
Types of gases (based on gaslist_cache)
For some gloves
For some gloves (black and)
This determins at what pressure the ultra-high pressure red icon is displayed. (This one is set as a constant)
This is when the black ultra-low pressure icon is displayed. (This one is set as a constant)
a hack to help make vacuums "cold", sacrificing realism for gameplay
For normal helmets
For normal helmets
The modifier on cold damage hulks get.
-14°C kitchen coldroom, just might loss your tail; higher amount of mol to reach about 101.3 kpA
what pressure you have to be under to increase the effect of equipment meant for lavaland
The amount of damage someone takes when in a low pressure area (The pressure threshold is so low that it doesn't make sense to do any calculations, so it just applies this flat value).
Maximum error caused by QUANTIZE when removing gas (roughly, in reality around 2 * MOLAR_ACCURACY less)
(kPa) What pressure pumps and powered equipment max out at.
(L/s) Maximum speed powered equipment can work at.
Minimum ratio of air that must move to/from a tile
Ratio of air that must move to/from a tile to reset group processing
Minimum amount of air that has to move before a group processing can be suspended (Round about 10)
I feel the need to document what happens here. Basically this is used catch rounding errors, and make gas go away in small portions. People have raised it to higher levels in the past, do not do this. Consider this number a soft limit If you're making gasmixtures that have unexpected behavior related to this value, you're doing something wrong.
On an unrelated note this may cause a bug that creates negative gas, related to round(). When it has a second arg it will round up. So for instance round(0.5, 1) == 1. I've hardcoded a fix for this into share, by forcing the garbage collect. Any other attempts to fix it just killed atmos. I leave this to a greater man then I The minimum heat capacity of a gas
Either this must be active (round about 0.1) //Might need to raise this a tad to better support space leaks. we'll see
Minimum mole count of a gas
Minimum temperature difference before the gas temperatures are just set to be equal
Minimum temperature difference before group processing is suspended
or this (or both, obviously)
Molar accuracy to round to
moles in a 2.5 m^3 cell at 101.325 Pa and 20 degC (103 or so)
Moles in a standard cell after which gases are visible
Mole step for alpha updates. This means alpha can update at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and so on
N2 standard value (79%)
O2 standard value (21%)
compared against for superconductivity
same but for nitrogen
percentage of oxygen in a normal mixture of air
the default air mix that open turfs spawn
intended to connect with everything, both layers and colors
intended to connect with all layers, check for all instead of just one.
can bridge over pipenets
north/south east/west doesn't matter, auto normalize on build.
can only exist at PIPING_LAYER_DEFAULT
can only be built if nothing else with this flag is on the tile already.
The amount of pressure damage someone takes is equal to (pressure / HAZARD_HIGH_PRESSURE)*PRESSURE_DAMAGE_COEFFICIENT, with the maximum of MAX_PRESSURE_DAMAGE
For gloves
For gloves
Thermal insulation works both ways /Malkevin
what min_cold_protection_temperature is set to for space-helmet quality headwear. MUST NOT BE 0.
what min_cold_protection_temperature is set to for space-suit quality jumpsuits or suits. MUST NOT BE 0.
The min cold protection of a space suit without the heater active
Boom 3x3 base explosion
+1 for each SCALE kPa aboe threshold
Tank starts leaking
temperature in kelvins at which a tank will start to melt
Tank spills all contents into atmosphere
-193,15°C telecommunications. also used for xenobiology slime killrooms
This is used in handle_temperature_damage() for humans, and in reagents that affect body temperature. Temperature damage is multiplied by this amount.
The total visible states
Allows for ventcrawling to occur. All atmospheric machines have this flag on by default. Cryo is the exception
Used to check if a machinery is visible. Called by update_pipe_vision(). On by default for all except cryo.
Allows mobs to enter or leave from atmospheric machines. On for passive, unary, and scrubber vents.
How many percent of the contents that an overclocked volume pumps leak into the air
This determins when the orange pressure icon is displayed (it is 0.7 * HAZARD_HIGH_PRESSURE)
This is when the gray low pressure icon is displayed. (it is 2.5 * HAZARD_LOW_PRESSURE)
a hack for now