/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


REVERSE_DIRInverse direction, taking into account UP|DOWN if necessary.
BLOODY_FOOTPRINT_BASE_ALPHAMinimum alpha of footprints
BLOOD_AMOUNT_PER_DECALHow much blood a regular blood splatter contains
BLOOD_ITEM_MAXHow much blood an item can have stuck on it
BLOOD_POOL_MAXHow much blood a blood decal can contain
BLOOD_FOOTPRINTS_MINHow much blood a footprint need to at least contain
get_turfGet the turf that A resides in, regardless of any containers.
get_areaGet the ultimate area of A, similarly to get_turf.
GRAVITY_DAMAGE_THRESHOLDThe gravity strength threshold for high gravity damage.
GRAVITY_DAMAGE_SCALINGThe scaling factor for high gravity damage.
GRAVITY_DAMAGE_MAXIMUMThe maximum BRUTE damage a mob can take from high gravity per second.
NO_BUCKLE_LYINGPossible value of /atom/movable/buckle_lying. If set to a different (positive-or-zero) value than this, the buckling thing will force a lying angle on the buckled.
EMOJI_SETEmoji icon set

Define Details


Minimum alpha of footprints


How much blood a regular blood splatter contains


How much blood a footprint need to at least contain


How much blood an item can have stuck on it


How much blood a blood decal can contain


Emoji icon set


The maximum BRUTE damage a mob can take from high gravity per second.


The scaling factor for high gravity damage.


The gravity strength threshold for high gravity damage.


Possible value of /atom/movable/buckle_lying. If set to a different (positive-or-zero) value than this, the buckling thing will force a lying angle on the buckled.


Inverse direction, taking into account UP|DOWN if necessary.


Get the ultimate area of A, similarly to get_turf.

Use instead of A.loc.loc.


Get the turf that A resides in, regardless of any containers.

Use in favor of A.loc or src.loc so that things work correctly when stored inside an inventory, locker, or other container.