/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


NETWORK_NAME_COMBINETo debug networks use this to check We do some macro magic to make sure the strings are created at compile time rather than runtime We do it this way so that if someone changes any of the names of networks we don't have to hunt down all the constants though all the files for them. hurrah! Ugh, couldn't get recursive stringafy to work in byond for some reason
__STATION_NETWORK_ROOTStation network names. Used as the root networks for main parts of the station
__NETWORK_LIMBOvarious sub networks pieces
NETWORK_DOOR_REMOTESVarious combined subnetworks
/proc/simple_network_name_fix Network name should be all caps and no punctuation except for _ and . between domains This does a quick an dirty fix to a network name to make sure it works
NETWORK_PORT_DISCONNECTEDPort protocol. A port is just a list with a few vars that are used to send signals that something is refreshed or updated. These macros make it faster rather than calling procs

Define Details


Various combined subnetworks


Error codes


To debug networks use this to check We do some macro magic to make sure the strings are created at compile time rather than runtime We do it this way so that if someone changes any of the names of networks we don't have to hunt down all the constants though all the files for them. hurrah! Ugh, couldn't get recursive stringafy to work in byond for some reason


Port protocol. A port is just a list with a few vars that are used to send signals that something is refreshed or updated. These macros make it faster rather than calling procs


various sub networks pieces


Station network names. Used as the root networks for main parts of the station