/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


MIASMA_CONSUMPTION_RATIO_MINThe minimum portion of the miasma in the air that will be consumed. Higher values mean more miasma will be consumed be default.
MIASMA_CONSUMPTION_RATIO_MAXThe maximum portion of the miasma in the air that will be consumed. Lower values mean the miasma consumption rate caps earlier.
MIASMA_CONSUMPTION_PPThe minimum pressure for a pure miasma atmosphere to begin being consumed. Higher values mean it takes more miasma pressure to make miasma start being consumed. Should be >= 0
MIASMA_PRESSURE_SCALINGHow the amount of miasma consumed per tick scales with partial pressure. Higher values decrease the rate miasma consumption scales with partial pressure. Should be >0
MIASMA_GASMIX_SCALINGHow much the amount of miasma consumed per tick scales with gasmix power ratio. Higher values means gasmix has a greater effect on the miasma consumed.
MIASMA_POWER_GAINThe amount of matter power generated for every mole of miasma consumed. Higher values mean miasma generates more power.
EVENT_POWER_PENALTY_THRESHOLDThe cutoff for the minimum amount of power required to trigger the crystal invasion delamination event.
SUPERMATTER_ACCENT_SOUND_MIN_COOLDOWNto prevent accent sounds from layering

Define Details


The cutoff for the minimum amount of power required to trigger the crystal invasion delamination event.


The minimum pressure for a pure miasma atmosphere to begin being consumed. Higher values mean it takes more miasma pressure to make miasma start being consumed. Should be >= 0


The maximum portion of the miasma in the air that will be consumed. Lower values mean the miasma consumption rate caps earlier.


The minimum portion of the miasma in the air that will be consumed. Higher values mean more miasma will be consumed be default.


How much the amount of miasma consumed per tick scales with gasmix power ratio. Higher values means gasmix has a greater effect on the miasma consumed.


The amount of matter power generated for every mole of miasma consumed. Higher values mean miasma generates more power.


How the amount of miasma consumed per tick scales with partial pressure. Higher values decrease the rate miasma consumption scales with partial pressure. Should be >0


to prevent accent sounds from layering