/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


TGS_EVENT_REBOOT_MODE_CHANGECreate this define if you want to do TGS configuration outside of this file. Before a reboot mode change, extras parameters are the current and new reboot mode enums
TGS_EVENT_PORT_SWAPBefore a port change is about to happen, extra parameters is new port
TGS_EVENT_INSTANCE_RENAMEDBefore the instance is renamed, extra parameter is the new name
TGS_EVENT_WATCHDOG_REATTACHAfter the watchdog reattaches to DD, extra parameter is the new /datum/tgs_version of the server
TGS_EVENT_REPO_RESET_ORIGINWhen the repository is reset to its origin reference. Parameters: Reference name, Commit SHA
TGS_EVENT_REPO_CHECKOUTWhen the repository performs a checkout. Parameters: Checkout git object
TGS_EVENT_REPO_FETCHWhen the repository performs a fetch operation. No parameters
TGS_EVENT_REPO_MERGE_PULL_REQUESTWhen the repository test merges. Parameters: PR Number, PR Sha, (Nullable) Comment made by TGS user
TGS_EVENT_REPO_PRE_SYNCHRONIZEBefore the repository makes a sychronize operation. Parameters: Absolute repostiory path
TGS_EVENT_BYOND_INSTALL_STARTBefore a BYOND install operation begins. Parameters: /datum/tgs_version of the installing BYOND
TGS_EVENT_BYOND_INSTALL_FAILWhen a BYOND install operation fails. Parameters: Error message
TGS_EVENT_BYOND_ACTIVE_VERSION_CHANGEWhen the active BYOND version changes. Parameters: (Nullable) /datum/tgs_version of the current BYOND, /datum/tgs_version of the new BYOND
TGS_EVENT_COMPILE_STARTWhen the compiler starts running. Parameters: Game directory path, origin commit SHA
TGS_EVENT_COMPILE_CANCELLEDWhen a compile is cancelled. No parameters
TGS_EVENT_COMPILE_FAILUREWhen a compile fails. Parameters: Game directory path, [TRUE]/[FALSE] based on if the cause for failure was DMAPI validation
TGS_EVENT_COMPILE_COMPLETEWhen a compile operation completes. Note, this event fires before the new .dmb is loaded into the watchdog. Consider using the TGS_EVENT_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE instead. Parameters: Game directory path
TGS_EVENT_INSTANCE_AUTO_UPDATE_STARTWhen an automatic update for the current instance begins. No parameters
TGS_EVENT_REPO_MERGE_CONFLICTWhen the repository encounters a merge conflict: Parameters: Base SHA, target SHA, base reference, target reference
TGS_EVENT_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETEWhen a deployment completes. No Parameters
TGS_EVENT_WATCHDOG_SHUTDOWNBefore the watchdog shuts down. Not sent for graceful shutdowns. No parameters.
TGS_EVENT_WATCHDOG_DETACHBefore the watchdog detaches for a TGS update/restart. No parameters.
TGS_EVENT_WORLD_PRIMEWatchdog event when TgsInitializationComplete() is called. No parameters.
TGS_REBOOT_MODE_NORMALThe server will reboot normally.
TGS_REBOOT_MODE_SHUTDOWNThe server will stop running on reboot.
TGS_REBOOT_MODE_RESTARTThe watchdog will restart on reboot.
TGS_SECURITY_TRUSTEDDreamDaemon Trusted security level.
TGS_SECURITY_SAFEDreamDaemon Safe security level.
TGS_SECURITY_ULTRASAFEDreamDaemon Ultrasafe security level.
TGS_TOPICPut this at the start of [/world/proc/Topic].
/datum/tgs_revision_informationRepresents git revision information.
/datum/tgs_versionRepresents a version.
/datum/tgs_revision_information/test_mergeRepresents a merge of a GitHub pull request.
/datum/tgs_chat_channelRepresents a connected chat channel.
/datum/tgs_chat_commandUser definable chat command

Define Details


When the active BYOND version changes. Parameters: (Nullable) /datum/tgs_version of the current BYOND, /datum/tgs_version of the new BYOND


When a BYOND install operation fails. Parameters: Error message


Before a BYOND install operation begins. Parameters: /datum/tgs_version of the installing BYOND


When a compile is cancelled. No parameters


When a compile operation completes. Note, this event fires before the new .dmb is loaded into the watchdog. Consider using the TGS_EVENT_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE instead. Parameters: Game directory path


When a compile fails. Parameters: Game directory path, [TRUE]/[FALSE] based on if the cause for failure was DMAPI validation


When the compiler starts running. Parameters: Game directory path, origin commit SHA


When a deployment completes. No Parameters


When an automatic update for the current instance begins. No parameters


Before the instance is renamed, extra parameter is the new name


Before a port change is about to happen, extra parameters is new port


Create this define if you want to do TGS configuration outside of this file. Before a reboot mode change, extras parameters are the current and new reboot mode enums


When the repository performs a checkout. Parameters: Checkout git object


When the repository performs a fetch operation. No parameters


When the repository encounters a merge conflict: Parameters: Base SHA, target SHA, base reference, target reference


When the repository test merges. Parameters: PR Number, PR Sha, (Nullable) Comment made by TGS user


Before the repository makes a sychronize operation. Parameters: Absolute repostiory path


When the repository is reset to its origin reference. Parameters: Reference name, Commit SHA


Before the watchdog detaches for a TGS update/restart. No parameters.


After the watchdog reattaches to DD, extra parameter is the new /datum/tgs_version of the server


Before the watchdog shuts down. Not sent for graceful shutdowns. No parameters.


Watchdog event when TgsInitializationComplete() is called. No parameters.


The server will reboot normally.


The watchdog will restart on reboot.


The server will stop running on reboot.


DreamDaemon Safe security level.


DreamDaemon Trusted security level.


DreamDaemon Ultrasafe security level.


Put this at the start of [/world/proc/Topic].