/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


COMPONENT_TRIGGERED_BYHelper define that can only be used in /obj/item/circuit_component/input_received()
TRIGGER_CIRCUIT_COMPONENTDefine to automatically handle calling the output port. Will not call the output port if the input_received proc returns TRUE.
PORT_TYPE_ANYCan accept any datatype. Only works for inputs, output types will runtime.
PORT_TYPE_STRINGString datatype
PORT_TYPE_NUMBERNumber datatype
PORT_TYPE_SIGNALSignal datatype
PORT_TYPE_LISTList datatype
PORT_TYPE_TABLETable datatype. Derivative of list, contains other lists with matching columns.
PORT_TYPE_ATOMAtom datatype
PORT_ATOM_MAX_RANGEThe maximum range between a port and an atom
COMPONENT_MIN_RANDOM_POSThe minimum position of the x and y co-ordinates of the component in the UI
COMPONENT_MAX_RANDOM_POSThe maximum position of the x and y co-ordinates of the component in the UI
COMPONENT_MAX_POSThe maximum position in both directions that a component can be in. Prevents someone from positioning a component at an absurdly high value.
COMPONENT_SIGNALThe value that is sent whenever a component is simply sending a signal. This can be anything.
COMP_DELAY_MIN_VALUEThe minimum delay value that the delay component can have.
SHELL_FLAG_CIRCUIT_FIXEDWhether a circuit is stuck on a shell and cannot be removed (by a user)
SHELL_FLAG_REQUIRE_ANCHORWhether the shell needs to be anchored for the circuit to be on.
SHELL_FLAG_USB_PORTWhether or not the shell has a USB port.
SHELL_FLAG_ALLOW_FAILURE_ACTIONWhether the shell allows actions to be peformed on a shell if the action fails. This will additionally block the messages from being displayed.
USB_CABLE_MAX_RANGEThe maximum range a USB cable can be apart from a source
CIRCUIT_FLAG_INPUT_SIGNALCreates an input trigger that means the component won't be triggered unless the trigger is pulsed.
CIRCUIT_FLAG_OUTPUT_SIGNALCreates an output trigger that sends a pulse whenever the component is successfully triggered
CIRCUIT_FLAG_UNDUPEABLEProhibits the component from being duplicated via the module duplicator
CIRCUIT_FLAG_HIDDENThis circuit component does not show in the menu.

Define Details


This circuit component does not show in the menu.


Creates an input trigger that means the component won't be triggered unless the trigger is pulsed.


Creates an output trigger that sends a pulse whenever the component is successfully triggered


Prohibits the component from being duplicated via the module duplicator


The maximum position in both directions that a component can be in. Prevents someone from positioning a component at an absurdly high value.


The maximum position of the x and y co-ordinates of the component in the UI


The minimum position of the x and y co-ordinates of the component in the UI


The value that is sent whenever a component is simply sending a signal. This can be anything.


Helper define that can only be used in /obj/item/circuit_component/input_received()


The minimum delay value that the delay component can have.


The maximum range between a port and an atom


Can accept any datatype. Only works for inputs, output types will runtime.


Atom datatype


List datatype


Number datatype


Signal datatype


String datatype


Table datatype. Derivative of list, contains other lists with matching columns.


Whether the shell allows actions to be peformed on a shell if the action fails. This will additionally block the messages from being displayed.


Whether a circuit is stuck on a shell and cannot be removed (by a user)


Whether the shell needs to be anchored for the circuit to be on.


Whether or not the shell has a USB port.


Define to automatically handle calling the output port. Will not call the output port if the input_received proc returns TRUE.


The maximum range a USB cable can be apart from a source