
LAZYLISTDUPLICATE | Like LAZYCOPY - copies an input list if the list has entries, If it doesn't the assigned list is nulled |
LAZYACCESS | returns L[I] if L exists and I is a valid index of L, runtimes if L is not a list |
LAZYNULL | Sets a list to null |
LAZYADDASSOCLIST | This is used to add onto lazy assoc list when the value you're adding is a /list/. This one has extra safety over lazyaddassoc because the value could be null (and thus cant be used to += objects) |
LAZYORASSOCLIST | Performs an insertion on the given lazy list with the given key and value. If the value already exists, a new one will not be made. |
COMPARE_KEY | Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare keys |
COMPARE_VALUE | Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare values |
BINARY_INSERT | Binary search sorted insert INPUT: Object to be inserted LIST: List to insert object into TYPECONT: The typepath of the contents of the list COMPARE: The object to compare against, usualy the same as INPUT COMPARISON: The variable on the objects to compare COMPTYPE: How should the values be compared? Either COMPARE_KEY or COMPARE_VALUE. |
/proc/typecacheof | Like typesof() or subtypesof(), but returns a typecache instead of a list |
/proc/pick_n_take | Pick a random element from the list and remove it from the list. |
/proc/find_record | Returns datum/data/record |
Define Details
Binary search sorted insert INPUT: Object to be inserted LIST: List to insert object into TYPECONT: The typepath of the contents of the list COMPARE: The object to compare against, usualy the same as INPUT COMPARISON: The variable on the objects to compare COMPTYPE: How should the values be compared? Either COMPARE_KEY or COMPARE_VALUE.
Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare keys
Passed into BINARY_INSERT to compare values
returns L[I] if L exists and I is a valid index of L, runtimes if L is not a list
This is used to add onto lazy assoc list when the value you're adding is a /list/. This one has extra safety over lazyaddassoc because the value could be null (and thus cant be used to += objects)
Like LAZYCOPY - copies an input list if the list has entries, If it doesn't the assigned list is nulled
Sets a list to null
Performs an insertion on the given lazy list with the given key and value. If the value already exists, a new one will not be made.