/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


/proc/do_mob Timed action involving two mobs, the user and the target. interaction_key is the assoc key under which the do_after is capped under, and the max interaction count is how many of this interaction you can do at once.
/proc/do_after Timed action involving one mob user. Target is optional.
/proc/do_after_mob Timed action involving at least one mob user and a list of targets. interaction_key is the assoc key under which the do_after is capped under, and the max interaction count is how many of this interaction you can do at once.
/proc/active_free_borgs Silicon Mob Procs
/proc/get_temp_change_amount Used to get the amount of change between two body temperatures
GET_CLIENTGets the client of the mob, allowing for mocking of the client. You only need to use this if you know you're going to be mocking clients somewhere else.

Define Details


Gets the client of the mob, allowing for mocking of the client. You only need to use this if you know you're going to be mocking clients somewhere else.