/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


PHOTO_GREYSCALEFor use with the color_mode var. Photos will be printed in greyscale while the var has this value.
PHOTO_COLORFor use with the color_mode var. Photos will be printed in full color while the var has this value.
PAPER_TONER_USEHow much toner is used for making a copy of a paper.
PHOTO_TONER_USEHow much toner is used for making a copy of a photo.
DOCUMENT_TONER_USEHow much toner is used for making a copy of a document.
ASS_TONER_USEHow much toner is used for making a copy of an ass.
MAX_COPIES_AT_ONCEThe maximum amount of copies you can make with one press of the copy button.

Define Details


How much toner is used for making a copy of an ass.


How much toner is used for making a copy of a document.


The maximum amount of copies you can make with one press of the copy button.


How much toner is used for making a copy of a paper.


For use with the color_mode var. Photos will be printed in full color while the var has this value.


For use with the color_mode var. Photos will be printed in greyscale while the var has this value.


How much toner is used for making a copy of a photo.