
Procs | |
befriend | Someone is being nice to us, let's make them a friend! |
check_altclicked | Someone alt clicked us, see if they're someone we should show the radial command menu to |
check_point | Someone we like is pointing at something, see if it's something we might want to interact with (like if they might want us to fetch something for them) |
check_verbal_command | One of our friends said something, see if it's a valid command, and if so, take action |
command_radial | Show the command radial menu |
listen_throw_land | A throw we were listening to has finished, see if it's in range for us to try grabbing it |
listened_throw | Someone has thrown something, see if it's someone we care about and start listening to the thrown item so we can see if we want to fetch it when it lands |
on_attack_hand | Someone's interacting with us by hand, see if they're being nice or mean |
on_death | If we died, drop anything we were carrying |
on_examined | Someone is looking at us, if we're currently carrying something then show what it is, and include a message if they're our friend |
set_command_mode | Whether we got here via radial menu or a verbal command, this is where we actually process what our new command will be |
unfriend | Someone is being mean to us, take them off our friends (add actual enemies behavior later) |
Proc Details
Someone is being nice to us, let's make them a friend!
Someone alt clicked us, see if they're someone we should show the radial command menu to
Someone we like is pointing at something, see if it's something we might want to interact with (like if they might want us to fetch something for them)
One of our friends said something, see if it's a valid command, and if so, take action
Show the command radial menu
A throw we were listening to has finished, see if it's in range for us to try grabbing it
Someone has thrown something, see if it's someone we care about and start listening to the thrown item so we can see if we want to fetch it when it lands
Someone's interacting with us by hand, see if they're being nice or mean
If we died, drop anything we were carrying
Someone is looking at us, if we're currently carrying something then show what it is, and include a message if they're our friend
Whether we got here via radial menu or a verbal command, this is where we actually process what our new command will be
Someone is being mean to us, take them off our friends (add actual enemies behavior later)