/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesProc Details



bounty_numReturns the required item count, or required chemical units required to submit a bounty.
bounty_textReturns a string with the civilian bounty's description on it.
bounty_valueProduces the value of the account's civilian bounty reward, if able.
reset_bountyPerforms house-cleaning on variables when a civilian bounty is replaced, or, when a bounty is claimed.
setup_unique_account_idProc guarantees the account_id possesses a unique number. If it doesn't, it tries to find a unique alternative. It then adds it to the SSeconomy.bank_accounts_by_id global list.

Proc Details


Returns the required item count, or required chemical units required to submit a bounty.


Returns a string with the civilian bounty's description on it.


Produces the value of the account's civilian bounty reward, if able.


Performs house-cleaning on variables when a civilian bounty is replaced, or, when a bounty is claimed.


Proc guarantees the account_id possesses a unique number. If it doesn't, it tries to find a unique alternative. It then adds it to the SSeconomy.bank_accounts_by_id global list.