/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Component for clothing items that can pick up blood from decals and spread it around everywhere when walking, such as shoes or suits with integrated shoes.


bloody_shoesHow much of each grubby type we have on our feet
equipped_slotThe ITEM_SLOT_* slot the item is equipped on, if it is.
last_blood_stateThe type of the last grub pool we stepped in, used to decide the type of footprints to make
last_pickupThe world.time when we last picked up blood
parent_atomThe parent item but casted into atom type for easier use.
wielderEither the mob carrying the item, or the mob itself for the /feet component subtype


add_parent_to_footprintAdds the parent type to the footprint's shoe_types var
find_pool_by_blood_stateFind a blood decal on a turf that matches our last_blood_state
is_obscuredReturns true if the parent item is obscured by something else that the wielder is wearing
on_cleanCalled when the parent item is being washed
on_dropCalled when the parent item has been dropped
on_equipCalled when the parent item is equipped by someone
on_movedCalled when the wielder has moved
on_step_bloodprints merged prints merged Called when the wielder steps in a pool of blood
share_bloodRun to equally share the blood between us and a decal
unregisterUnregisters from the wielder if necessary
update_iconRun to update the icon of the parent

Var Details


How much of each grubby type we have on our feet


The ITEM_SLOT_* slot the item is equipped on, if it is.


The type of the last grub pool we stepped in, used to decide the type of footprints to make


The world.time when we last picked up blood


The parent item but casted into atom type for easier use.


Either the mob carrying the item, or the mob itself for the /feet component subtype

Proc Details


Adds the parent type to the footprint's shoe_types var


Find a blood decal on a turf that matches our last_blood_state


Returns true if the parent item is obscured by something else that the wielder is wearing


Called when the parent item is being washed


Called when the parent item has been dropped

Used to deregister our wielder


Called when the parent item is equipped by someone

Used to register our wielder


Called when the wielder has moved

Used to make bloody footprints on the ground


prints merged prints merged Called when the wielder steps in a pool of blood

Used to make the parent item bloody


Run to equally share the blood between us and a decal


Unregisters from the wielder if necessary


Run to update the icon of the parent