/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Custom Atom Component

When added to an atom, item ingredients can be put into that. The sprite is updated and reagents are transfered.

If the component is added to something that is processed, creating new objects (being cut, for example), the replacement type needs to also have the component. The ingredients will be copied over. Reagents are not copied over since other components already take care of that.


fill_typeType of fill, can be [CUSTOM_INGREDIENT_ICON_NOCHANGE] for example.
ingredient_typeType of ingredients to accept, [CUSTOM_INGREDIENT_TYPE_EDIBLE] for example.
ingredientsList of item ingredients.
max_ingredientsNumber of max ingredients.
replacementType path of replacement atom.
top_overlayOverlay used for certain fill types, always shows up on top.


add_ingredientAdds a new ingredient and updates the parent's name.
custom_adjectiveGives an adjective to describe the size of the custom food.
custom_typeGives the type of custom food (based on what the first ingredient was).
customizable_attackHandles when the customizable food is attacked by something.
handle_fillHandles the icon update for a new ingredient.
handle_reagentsTakes the reagents from an ingredient.
mix_colorReturns the color of the input mixed with the top_overlay's color.
on_examineHandles when the customizable food is examined.
on_processedCopies over the parent's ingredients to the processing results (such as slices when the parent is cut).

Var Details


Type of fill, can be [CUSTOM_INGREDIENT_ICON_NOCHANGE] for example.


Type of ingredients to accept, [CUSTOM_INGREDIENT_TYPE_EDIBLE] for example.


List of item ingredients.


Number of max ingredients.


Type path of replacement atom.


Overlay used for certain fill types, always shows up on top.

Proc Details


Adds a new ingredient and updates the parent's name.


Gives an adjective to describe the size of the custom food.


Gives the type of custom food (based on what the first ingredient was).


Handles when the customizable food is attacked by something.


Handles the icon update for a new ingredient.


Takes the reagents from an ingredient.


Returns the color of the input mixed with the top_overlay's color.


Handles when the customizable food is examined.


Copies over the parent's ingredients to the processing results (such as slices when the parent is cut).