/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Deadchat Plays Things - The Componenting

Allows deadchat to control stuff and things by typing commands into chat. These commands will then trigger callbacks to execute procs!


ckey_to_cooldownAssoc list of ckey:value pairings. In DEMOCRACY_MODE, value is the player's vote. In ANARCHY_MODE, value is world.time when their cooldown expires.
deadchat_modeEither DEMOCRACY_MODE which will execute a single command after the cooldown based on player votes, or ANARCHY_MODE which allows each player to do a single command every cooldown.
input_cooldownIn DEMOCRACY_MODE, this is how long players have to vote on an input. In ANARCHY_MODE, this is how long between inputs for each unique player.
inputsAssoc list of key-chat command string, value-callback pairs. list("right" = CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, .proc/_step, src, EAST))
on_removalCallback invoked when this component is Destroy()ed to allow the parent to return to a non-deadchat controlled state.
orbitersList of everything orbitting this component's parent.
timeridThe id for the DEMOCRACY_MODE looping vote timer.


async_handle_vv_topicAsync proc handling the alert input and associated logic for an admin removing this component via the VV dropdown.
handle_vv_topicAllows for this component to be removed via a dedicated VV dropdown entry.
on_examineInforms any examiners to the inputs available as part of deadchat control, as well as the current operating mode and cooldowns.

Var Details


Assoc list of ckey:value pairings. In DEMOCRACY_MODE, value is the player's vote. In ANARCHY_MODE, value is world.time when their cooldown expires.


Either DEMOCRACY_MODE which will execute a single command after the cooldown based on player votes, or ANARCHY_MODE which allows each player to do a single command every cooldown.


In DEMOCRACY_MODE, this is how long players have to vote on an input. In ANARCHY_MODE, this is how long between inputs for each unique player.


Assoc list of key-chat command string, value-callback pairs. list("right" = CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, .proc/_step, src, EAST))


Callback invoked when this component is Destroy()ed to allow the parent to return to a non-deadchat controlled state.


List of everything orbitting this component's parent.


The id for the DEMOCRACY_MODE looping vote timer.

Proc Details


Async proc handling the alert input and associated logic for an admin removing this component via the VV dropdown.


Allows for this component to be removed via a dedicated VV dropdown entry.


Informs any examiners to the inputs available as part of deadchat control, as well as the current operating mode and cooldowns.