egg layer component!

Component that manages how many eggs to lay, what can be fed to the mob to make them lay more, and what is actually laid. Since the only real interaction with the component is an attackby, the nice part is that we're able to make this an atom level proc. egg_layer will loudly fail if you do not provide it the arguments, as to encourage explicicy(?)
Vars | |
egg_laid_callback | callback to a proc that allows the parent to modify their new eggs |
egg_type | item laid by the mob |
eggs_added_from_eating | how many eggs to lay given from food |
eggs_left | how many eggs left to lay |
feed_messages | messages sent when fed |
food_types | items that can be fed to the mob to make it lay more eggs |
lay_messages | messages sent when laying an egg |
max_eggs_held | how many eggs can be stored |
Var Details

callback to a proc that allows the parent to modify their new eggs

item laid by the mob

how many eggs to lay given from food

how many eggs left to lay

messages sent when fed

items that can be fed to the mob to make it lay more eggs

messages sent when laying an egg

how many eggs can be stored