/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



harmfulif both our pain multiplier and jostle pain multiplier are 0, we're harmless and can omit most of the damage related stuff


checkTweezeThe signal for listening to see if someone is using a hemostat on us to pluck out this object
complete_rip_outeverything async that ripOut used to do
fallOutCalled when then item randomly falls out of a carbon. This handles the damage and descriptors, then calls safe_remove()
jostleCheck/////////BEHAVIOR PROCS//////////////
ripOutCalled when a carbon with an object embedded/stuck to them inspects themselves and clicks the appropriate link to begin ripping the item out. This handles the ripping attempt, descriptors, and dealing damage, then calls safe_remove()
safeRemoveThis proc handles the final step and actual removal of an embedded/stuck item from a carbon, whether or not it was actually removed safely. If you want the thing to go into someone's hands rather than the floor, pass them in to_hands
tweezePluckThe actual action for pulling out an embedded object with a hemostat
weaponDeletedSomething deleted or moved our weapon while it was embedded, how rude!

Var Details


if both our pain multiplier and jostle pain multiplier are 0, we're harmless and can omit most of the damage related stuff

Proc Details


The signal for listening to see if someone is using a hemostat on us to pluck out this object


everything async that ripOut used to do


Called when then item randomly falls out of a carbon. This handles the damage and descriptors, then calls safe_remove()


/////////BEHAVIOR PROCS//////////////

Called every time a carbon with a harmful embed moves, rolling a chance for the item to cause pain. The chance is halved if the carbon is crawling or walking.


Called when a carbon with an object embedded/stuck to them inspects themselves and clicks the appropriate link to begin ripping the item out. This handles the ripping attempt, descriptors, and dealing damage, then calls safe_remove()


This proc handles the final step and actual removal of an embedded/stuck item from a carbon, whether or not it was actually removed safely. If you want the thing to go into someone's hands rather than the floor, pass them in to_hands


The actual action for pulling out an embedded object with a hemostat


Something deleted or moved our weapon while it was embedded, how rude!