
Holder Loving Component
This component is assigned to an /obj/item, and also keeps track of a [holder].
The [parent] is 'bound' to [holder]. [parent] will be kept either directly
inside [holder], or in the inventory of a /mob that is itself holding [holder].
If [parent] is placed in a [loc] that is not [holder] or [holder].[loc]
(if it's a mob), it is placed back inside [holder].
This is intended for items that are a 'part' of another item.
It can also delete [parent] when [holder] is deleted.
Vars | |
del_parent_with_holder | If parent is deleted when the holder gets deleted |
holder |
Var Details

If parent is deleted when the holder gets deleted

- Item that parent is bound to.
- We try to keep parent either directly in holder, or in holder's loc if loc is a mob,
- and warp parent into holder if they go anywhere else.