/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



authenticated_userThe name/assignment combo of the ID card used to authenticate.
is_centcomIf TRUE, this program only modifies Centcom accesses.
job_templatesList of job templates that can be applied to ID cards from this program.
minorIf TRUE, this program is authenticated with limited departmental access.
region_accessThe regions this program has access to based on the authenticated ID.
target_deptWhich departments this program has access to. See region defines.
valid_accessThe list of accesses this program is verified to change based on the authenticated ID. Used for state checking against player input.


authenticateAuthenticates the program based on the specific ID card.

Var Details


The name/assignment combo of the ID card used to authenticate.


If TRUE, this program only modifies Centcom accesses.


List of job templates that can be applied to ID cards from this program.


If TRUE, this program is authenticated with limited departmental access.


The regions this program has access to based on the authenticated ID.


Which departments this program has access to. See region defines.


The list of accesses this program is verified to change based on the authenticated ID. Used for state checking against player input.

Proc Details


Authenticates the program based on the specific ID card.

If the card has ACCESS_CHANGE_IDs, it authenticates with all options. Otherwise, it authenticates depending on SSid_access.sub_department_managers_tgui compared to the access on the supplied ID card. Arguments: