
Vars | |
GPS_list | Global GPS_list. All GPS components get saved in here for easy reference. |
acid_overlay | ACID |
adamantine_recipes | Others |
admin_state | tgui state: admin_state |
alive_player_list | All alive mobs with clients. |
all_voice_of_god_triggers | Used to stop listeners with silly or clown-esque (first) names such as "Honk" or "Flip" from screwing up certain commands. |
always_state | tgui state: always_state |
announcer_keys | Global list of all of our announcer keys. |
areas_by_type | An association from typepath to area instance. Only includes areas with unique set. |
bsa_unlock | BSA unlocked by head ID swipes |
cell_line_tables | These global lists exist to allow our element to have weight tables without having to be seperate instances. Assoc list of cell line define | assoc list of datum | cell_line |
cell_virus_tables | Assoc list of cell virus define | assoc list of datum | cell_virus |
conscious_state | tgui state: conscious_state |
contained_state | tgui state: contained_state |
current_anonymous_theme | global reference to the current theme, if there is one. |
current_living_antags | All alive antags with clients. |
current_observers_list | All observers with clients that joined as observers. |
dead_player_list | All dead mobs with clients. Does not include observers. |
deep_inventory_state | tgui state: deep_inventory_state |
default_state | tgui state: default_state |
drone_machine_blacklist_enabled | If drones are blacklisted from certain sensitive machines |
editable_sign_types | This is a global list of all signs you can change an existing sign or new sign backing to, when using a pen on them. |
em_block_color | A globaly cached version of EM_BLOCK_COLOR for quick access. |
em_mask_matrix | A globaly cached version of EM_MASK_MATRIX for quick access. |
emissive_color | A globaly cached version of EMISSIVE_COLOR for quick access. |
exodrone_launchers | All exodrone launchers. |
exodrones | All exodrones. |
exoscanner_bands | List of scanned distances |
exploration_sites | All exploration site instances |
explorer_drone_adventure_db_entries | All possible adventures in raw form |
fileaccess_timer | For FTP requests. (i.e. downloading runtime logs.) |
gas_id_to_canister | List of all the gases, used in labelling the canisters |
gas_recipe_meta | Global list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use |
gateway_destinations | List of possible gateway destinations. |
glide_size_multiplier | Compensating for time dialation |
global_funny_embedding | set this to a new instance of a SUBTYPE of global_funny_embedding. The main type is a prototype and will runtime really hard |
hands_state | tgui state: hands_state |
hfr_fuels_list | Global list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use |
hijack_employers | employers who hire agents to do the hijack |
human_adjacent_state | tgui state: human_adjacent_state |
ice_cream_flavours | ICE CREAM FLAVOUR DATUM STUFF |
intento_players | All people who have used an Intento this round along with their high scores. |
inventory_state | tgui state: inventory_state |
language_menu_state | tgui state: language_menu_state |
mafia_bad_signup | list of ghosts who want to play mafia that have since disconnected. They are kept in the lobby, but not counted for starting a game. |
mafia_game | the current global mafia game running. |
mafia_signup | list of ghosts who want to play mafia, every time someone enters the list it checks to see if enough are in |
marker_beacon_colors | Marker Beacons |
megafauna_spawn_list | Global list of megafauna spawns on cave gen |
message_modes_stat_limits | Whitelist of saymodes or radio extensions that can be spoken through even if not fully conscious. Associated values are their maximum allowed mob stats. |
nanotrasen_employers | employers that are from nanotrasen |
narcd_underages | underages who have been reported to security for trying to buy things they shouldn't, so they can't spam |
never_state | tgui state: never_state |
new_player_state | tgui state: new_player_state |
normal_employers | employers who hire agents to do a task and escape... or martyrdom. whatever |
not_incapacitated_state | tgui state: not_incapacitated_state |
not_incapacitated_turf_state | tgui state: not_incapacitated_turf_state |
notcontained_state | tgui state: notcontained_state |
observer_state | tgui state: observer_state |
organ_process_order | Organ slot processing order for life proc |
orion_events | assoc list, [datum singleton] = weight |
physical_obscured_state | tgui state: physical_obscured_state |
physical_state | tgui state: physical_state |
picture_log_directory | Picture logging |
pipe_color_name | Names shown in the examine for every colored atmos component |
pipe_colors_ordered | List that sorts the colors and is used for setting up the pipes layer so that they overlap correctly |
pipe_paint_colors | All colors available to pipes and atmos components |
player_details | assoc list of ckey -> /datum/player_details |
poll_options | All poll option datums of running polls |
polls | All currently running polls held as datums |
reality_smash_track | We want reality_smash_tracker to exist only once and be accessible from anywhere. |
req_console_assistance | Requests Console |
rpgloot_controller | Holds the global datum for rpgloot, so anywhere may check for its existence (it signals into whatever it needs to modify, so it shouldn't require fetching) |
scan_conditions | Scan condition instances |
security_officer_distribution | The department distribution of the security officers. |
security_sub_positions | These aren't defacto jobs, but are the special departmental variants for sec officers. |
self_state | tgui state: self_state |
special_roles | This defines the antagonists you can operate with in the settings. Keys are the antagonist, values are the number of days since the player's first connection in order to play. |
stat_panel_verbs | Bare minimum required verbs for stat panel operation |
station_goals | List of available station goals for the crew to be working on |
syndicate_employers | employers that are from the syndicate |
teleportlocs | A list of teleport locations |
the_gateway | Station home gateway |
time_last_changed_position | The time since the last job opening was created |
timezoneOffset | The difference betwen midnight (of the host computer) and 0 world.ticks. |
trait_name_map | value -> trait name, generated on use from trait_by_type global |
triple_ai_controller | global reference to the current theme, if there is one. |
typecache_elevated_structures | A typecache listing structures that are considered to have surfaces that you can place items on that are higher than the floor. This, of course, should be restricted to /atom/movables. This is primarily used for food decomposition code. |
voice_of_god_commands | List of all voice of god commands |
xeno_sample_colors | List of all possible sample colors |
z_state | tgui state: z_state |
Var Details

Global GPS_list. All GPS components get saved in here for easy reference.



tgui state: admin_state
Checks that the user is an admin, end-of-story.

All alive mobs with clients.

Used to stop listeners with silly or clown-esque (first) names such as "Honk" or "Flip" from screwing up certain commands.

tgui state: always_state
Always grants the user UI_INTERACTIVE. Period.

Global list of all of our announcer keys.

An association from typepath to area instance. Only includes areas with unique

BSA unlocked by head ID swipes

These global lists exist to allow our element to have weight tables without having to be seperate instances. Assoc list of cell line define | assoc list of datum | cell_line

Assoc list of cell virus define | assoc list of datum | cell_virus

tgui state: conscious_state
Only checks if the user is conscious.

tgui state: contained_state
Checks that the user is inside the src_object.

global reference to the current theme, if there is one.

All alive antags with clients.

All observers with clients that joined as observers.

All dead mobs with clients. Does not include observers.

tgui state: deep_inventory_state
Checks that the src_object is in the user's deep (backpack, box, toolbox, etc) inventory.

tgui state: default_state
Checks a number of things -- mostly physical distance for humans and view for robots.

If drones are blacklisted from certain sensitive machines

This is a global list of all signs you can change an existing sign or new sign backing to, when using a pen on them.

A globaly cached version of EM_BLOCK_COLOR for quick access.

A globaly cached version of EM_MASK_MATRIX for quick access.

A globaly cached version of EMISSIVE_COLOR for quick access.

All exodrone launchers.

All exodrones.

List of scanned distances

All exploration site instances

All possible adventures in raw form

For FTP requests. (i.e. downloading runtime logs.)
However it'd be ok to use for accessing attack logs and such too, which are even laggier.

List of all the gases, used in labelling the canisters

Global list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use

List of possible gateway destinations.

Compensating for time dialation

set this to a new instance of a SUBTYPE of global_funny_embedding. The main type is a prototype and will runtime really hard

tgui state: hands_state
Checks that the src_object is in the user's hands.

Global list of recipes for atmospheric machines to use

employers who hire agents to do the hijack

tgui state: human_adjacent_state
In addition to default checks, only allows interaction for a human adjacent user.


All people who have used an Intento this round along with their high scores.

tgui state: inventory_state
Checks that the src_object is in the user's top-level (hand, ear, pocket, belt, etc) inventory.

tgui state: language_menu_state

list of ghosts who want to play mafia that have since disconnected. They are kept in the lobby, but not counted for starting a game.

the current global mafia game running.

list of ghosts who want to play mafia, every time someone enters the list it checks to see if enough are in

Marker Beacons

Global list of megafauna spawns on cave gen

Whitelist of saymodes or radio extensions that can be spoken through even if not fully conscious. Associated values are their maximum allowed mob stats.

employers that are from nanotrasen

underages who have been reported to security for trying to buy things they shouldn't, so they can't spam

tgui state: never_state
Always closes the UI, no matter what. See the ui_state in to see an example

tgui state: new_player_state
Checks that the user is a new_player, or if user is an admin

employers who hire agents to do a task and escape... or martyrdom. whatever

tgui state: not_incapacitated_state
Checks that the user isn't incapacitated

tgui state: not_incapacitated_turf_state
Checks that the user isn't incapacitated and that their loc is a turf

tgui state: notcontained_state
Checks that the user is not inside src_object, and then makes the default checks.

tgui state: observer_state
Checks that the user is an observer/ghost.

Organ slot processing order for life proc

assoc list, [datum singleton] = weight

tgui state: physical_obscured_state
Short-circuits the default state to only check physical distance, being in view doesn't matter

tgui state: physical_state
Short-circuits the default state to only check physical distance.

Picture logging

Names shown in the examine for every colored atmos component

List that sorts the colors and is used for setting up the pipes layer so that they overlap correctly

All colors available to pipes and atmos components

assoc list of ckey -> /datum/player_details

All poll option datums of running polls

All currently running polls held as datums

We want reality_smash_tracker to exist only once and be accessible from anywhere.

Requests Console
Originally written by errorage, updated by: Carn, needs more work though. I just added some security fixes

Holds the global datum for rpgloot, so anywhere may check for its existence (it signals into whatever it needs to modify, so it shouldn't require fetching)

Scan condition instances

The department distribution of the security officers.
Keys are refs of the security officer mobs. This is to preserve the list's structure even if the mob gets deleted. This is also safe, as mobs are guaranteed to have a unique ref, as per /mob/GenerateTag().

These aren't defacto jobs, but are the special departmental variants for sec officers.

tgui state: self_state
Only checks that the user and src_object are the same.

This defines the antagonists you can operate with in the settings. Keys are the antagonist, values are the number of days since the player's first connection in order to play.

Bare minimum required verbs for stat panel operation

List of available station goals for the crew to be working on

employers that are from the syndicate

A list of teleport locations
Adding a wizard area teleport list because motherfucking lag -- Urist I am far too lazy to make it a proper list of areas so I'll just make it run the usual telepot routine at the start of the game

Station home gateway

The time since the last job opening was created

The difference betwen midnight (of the host computer) and 0 world.ticks.

value -> trait name, generated on use from trait_by_type global

global reference to the current theme, if there is one.

A typecache listing structures that are considered to have surfaces that you can place items on that are higher than the floor. This, of course, should be restricted to /atom/movables. This is primarily used for food decomposition code.

List of all voice of god commands

List of all possible sample colors

tgui state: z_state
Only checks that the Z-level of the user and src_object are the same.