/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



additional_jobs_with_iconsA list of additional jobs that have various icons associated with them including sechud and card trims.
all_occupationsList of all jobs.
assigned_captainIf TRUE, some player has been assigned Captaincy or Acting Captaincy at some point during the shift and has been given the spare ID safe code.
centcom_jobsA list of jobs associed with Centcom and should use the standard NT Centcom icons.
chain_of_commandKeys should be assigned job roles. Values should be >= 1. Represents the chain of command on the station. Lower numbers mean higher priority. Used to give the Cap's Spare safe code to a an appropriate player. Assumed Captain is always the highest in the chain of command. See [/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker/proc/equip_characters]
dynamic_forced_occupationsLazylist of mob:occupation_string pairs.
head_of_staff_jobsA list of all Head of Staff jobs.
joinable_occupationsList of jobs that can be joined through the starting menu.
safe_code_request_locThe loc to which the emergency safe code has been requested for delivery.
safe_code_requestedWhether the emergency safe code has been requested via a comms console on shifts with no Captain or Acting Captain.
safe_code_timer_idTimer ID for the emergency safe code request.
station_jobsA list of all jobs associated with the station. These jobs also have various icons associated with them including sechud and card trims.


DropLandAtRandomHallwayPointLands specified mob at a random spot in the hallways
assign_priority_positionsBlindly assigns the required roles to every player in the dynamic_forced_occupations list.
fill_ai_positionsAttempts to fill out all available AI positions.
send_spare_id_safe_codeSend a drop pod containing a piece of paper with the spare ID safe code to loc
setup_job_listsBuilds various lists of jobs based on station, centcom and additional jobs with icons associated with them.

Var Details


A list of additional jobs that have various icons associated with them including sechud and card trims.


List of all jobs.


If TRUE, some player has been assigned Captaincy or Acting Captaincy at some point during the shift and has been given the spare ID safe code.


A list of jobs associed with Centcom and should use the standard NT Centcom icons.


Keys should be assigned job roles. Values should be >= 1. Represents the chain of command on the station. Lower numbers mean higher priority. Used to give the Cap's Spare safe code to a an appropriate player. Assumed Captain is always the highest in the chain of command. See [/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker/proc/equip_characters]


Lazylist of mob:occupation_string pairs.


A list of all Head of Staff jobs.


List of jobs that can be joined through the starting menu.


The loc to which the emergency safe code has been requested for delivery.


Whether the emergency safe code has been requested via a comms console on shifts with no Captain or Acting Captain.


Timer ID for the emergency safe code request.


A list of all jobs associated with the station. These jobs also have various icons associated with them including sechud and card trims.

Proc Details



Lands specified mob at a random spot in the hallways


Blindly assigns the required roles to every player in the dynamic_forced_occupations list.


Attempts to fill out all available AI positions.


Send a drop pod containing a piece of paper with the spare ID safe code to loc


Builds various lists of jobs based on station, centcom and additional jobs with icons associated with them.