
Design Datums All the data for building stuff.
Vars | |
build_path | The typepath of the object produced by this design |
build_type | Bitflags indicating what machines this design is compatable with. ([IMPRINTER]|AWAY_IMPRINTER|[PROTOLATHE]|AWAY_LATHE|[AUTOLATHE]|[MECHFAB]|[BIOGENERATOR]|[LIMBGROWER]|[SMELTER]) |
category | What category this design falls under. Used for sorting in production machines, mostly the mechfab. |
construction_time | The amount of time required to create one unit of the product. |
dangerous_construction | If this is [TRUE] the admins get notified whenever anyone prints this. Currently only used by the BoH. |
departmental_flags | Bitflags indicating what departmental lathes should be allowed to process this design. |
desc | Description of the created object |
icon_cache | Appears to be unused. |
id | The ID of the design. Used for quick reference. Alphanumeric, lower-case, no symbols |
lathe_time_factor | How many times faster than normal is this to build on the protolathe |
make_reagents | List of reagents produced by this design. Currently only supported by the biogenerator. |
materials | List of materials required to create one unit of the product. Format is (typepath or caregory) -> amount |
maxstack | The maximum number of units of whatever is produced by this can be produced in one go. |
name | Name of the created object |
reagents_list | List of reagents required to create one unit of the product. |
research_icon | Override for the automatic icon generation used for the research console. |
research_icon_state | Override for the automatic icon state generation used for the research console. |
search_metadata | Optional string that interfaces can use as part of search filters. See- item/borg/upgrade/ai and the Exosuit Fabs. |
unlocked_by | What techwebs nodes unlock this design. Constructed by SSresearch |
Var Details

The typepath of the object produced by this design

Bitflags indicating what machines this design is compatable with. ([IMPRINTER]|AWAY_IMPRINTER|[PROTOLATHE]|AWAY_LATHE|[AUTOLATHE]|[MECHFAB]|[BIOGENERATOR]|[LIMBGROWER]|[SMELTER])

What category this design falls under. Used for sorting in production machines, mostly the mechfab.

The amount of time required to create one unit of the product.

If this is [TRUE] the admins get notified whenever anyone prints this. Currently only used by the BoH.

Bitflags indicating what departmental lathes should be allowed to process this design.

Description of the created object

Appears to be unused.

The ID of the design. Used for quick reference. Alphanumeric, lower-case, no symbols

How many times faster than normal is this to build on the protolathe

List of reagents produced by this design. Currently only supported by the biogenerator.

List of materials required to create one unit of the product. Format is (typepath or caregory) -> amount

The maximum number of units of whatever is produced by this can be produced in one go.

Name of the created object

List of reagents required to create one unit of the product.

Override for the automatic icon generation used for the research console.

Override for the automatic icon state generation used for the research console.

Optional string that interfaces can use as part of search filters. See- item/borg/upgrade/ai and the Exosuit Fabs.

What techwebs nodes unlock this design. Constructed by SSresearch