
#Eldritch Knwoledge
Datum that makes eldritch cultist interesting.
Eldritch knowledge aren't instantiated anywhere roundstart, and are initalized and destroyed as the round goes on.
Vars | |
banned_knowledge | What knowledge is incompatible with this. This will simply make it impossible to research knowledges that are in banned_knowledge once this gets researched. |
cost | Cost of knowledge in souls |
desc | Description of the knowledge |
gain_text | What shows up |
name | Name of the knowledge |
next_knowledge | Next knowledge in the research tree |
required_atoms | Used with rituals, how many items this needs |
result_atoms | What do we get out of this |
route | What path is this on defaults to "Side" |
Procs | |
cleanup_atoms | Used atom cleanup |
on_death | A proc that handles the code when the mob dies |
on_eldritch_blade | Sickly blade act |
on_finished_recipe | What happens once the recipe is succesfully finished |
on_gain | What happens when this is assigned to an antag datum |
on_life | What happens every tick |
on_lose | What happens when you loose this |
on_mansus_grasp | Mansus grasp act |
on_ranged_attack_eldritch_blade | Sickly blade distant act |
recipe_snowflake_check | Special check for recipes |
Var Details

What knowledge is incompatible with this. This will simply make it impossible to research knowledges that are in banned_knowledge once this gets researched.

Cost of knowledge in souls

Description of the knowledge

What shows up

Name of the knowledge

Next knowledge in the research tree

Used with rituals, how many items this needs

What do we get out of this

What path is this on defaults to "Side"
Proc Details
Used atom cleanup
Overide this proc if you dont want ALL ATOMS to be destroyed. useful in many situations.
A proc that handles the code when the mob dies
This proc is primarily used to end any soundloops when the heretic dies
Sickly blade act
Gives addtional effects to sickly blade weapon
What happens once the recipe is succesfully finished
By default this proc creates atoms from result_atoms list. Override this is you want something else to happen.
What happens when this is assigned to an antag datum
This proc is called whenever a new eldritch knowledge is added to an antag datum
What happens every tick
This proc is called on SSprocess in eldritch cultist antag datum. SSprocess happens roughly every second
What happens when you loose this
This proc is called whenever antagonist looses his antag datum, put cleanup code in here
Mansus grasp act
Gives addtional effects to mansus grasp spell
Sickly blade distant act
Same as /datum/eldritch_knowledge/proc/on_eldritch_blade but works on targets that are not in proximity to you.
Special check for recipes
If you are adding a more complex summoning or something that requires a special check that parses through all the atoms in an area override this.