/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details


-- Plant backfire element -- Certain high-danger plants, like death-nettles, will backfire and harm the holder if they're not properly protected. If a user is protected with something like leather gloves, they can handle them normally. If they're not protected properly, we invoke a callback on the user, harming or inconveniencing them.


backfire_callbackThe callback of the backfire effect of the plant.
cancel_actionWhether we stop the current action if backfire is triggered (EX: returning CANCEL_ATTACK_CHAIN)
extra_genesAny plant genes we want to check that are required for our plant to be dangerous. Plants without a gene in this list will be considered safe. List of typepaths.
extra_traitsAny extra traits we want to check in addition to TRAIT_PLANT_SAFE. Mobs with a trait in this list will be considered safe. List of traits.

Var Details


The callback of the backfire effect of the plant.


Whether we stop the current action if backfire is triggered (EX: returning CANCEL_ATTACK_CHAIN)


Any plant genes we want to check that are required for our plant to be dangerous. Plants without a gene in this list will be considered safe. List of typepaths.


Any extra traits we want to check in addition to TRAIT_PLANT_SAFE. Mobs with a trait in this list will be considered safe. List of traits.