
Exploration site, drone travel destination representing interesting zone for exploration.
Vars | |
band_info | Contains baseline site bands at define time. Events bands will be added to this list as part of event generation. |
coordinates | Coordinates in Station coordinate system - don't ask if station rotates |
deep_scan_complete | Was deep scan of this site completed. |
description | Description shown after scanning/exploring |
distance | How far is it, affects travel time/cost. |
events | List of event instances represting thing to be found around this exploration site. |
fluff_type | Key for strings file fluff events |
name | Name displayed after scanning/exploring |
point_scan_complete | Was point scan of this site completed. |
revealed | Was the point scan done or a drone arrived on the site. Affects displayed name/description |
scan_conditions | List of scan conditions for this site - scan conditions are singletons |
site_traits | These are used to determine events/adventures possible for this site |
Procs | |
build_exploration_event_requirements_cache | List of exploration event requirements indexed by type, ./datum/exploration_site/a = list("required"=list(trait),"blacklisted"=list(other_trait)) |
generate_scan_conditions | Try to find aventure first since they're the meat of the system. Fill other events Baseline weights for each event root type Weight mods scaled by distance, resources are more easily found on farther sites |
on_drone_arrival | Add up event band values to ours |
site_data | Data for ui_data, exploration |
Var Details

Contains baseline site bands at define time. Events bands will be added to this list as part of event generation.

Coordinates in Station coordinate system - don't ask if station rotates

Was deep scan of this site completed.

Description shown after scanning/exploring

How far is it, affects travel time/cost.

List of event instances represting thing to be found around this exploration site.

Key for strings file fluff events

Name displayed after scanning/exploring

Was point scan of this site completed.

Was the point scan done or a drone arrived on the site. Affects displayed name/description

List of scan conditions for this site - scan conditions are singletons

These are used to determine events/adventures possible for this site
Proc Details
List of exploration event requirements indexed by type, ./datum/exploration_site/a = list("required"=list(trait),"blacklisted"=list(other_trait))
Try to find aventure first since they're the meat of the system. Fill other events Baseline weights for each event root type Weight mods scaled by distance, resources are more easily found on farther sites
Add up event band values to ours
Data for ui_data, exploration