
The controller for the ui in charge of all runtime greyscale configuration/debug.
If Unlock()
is not called the menu is safe for players to use.
Vars | |
allowed_configs | A keyed list of allowed configs in the form niceName:typepath |
apply_callback | A callback to control what happens when the user presses apply. Used mainly for if you want the menu to be used outside of vv. |
config | The current config being previewed |
generate_full_preview | Whether the full preview should be generated, with this FALSE only the final sprite is shown instead of all steps. |
icon_state | The sprite icon state currently being shown |
refreshing | Whether the menu is in the middle of refreshing the preview |
split_colors | A list of colors currently selected |
sprite_data | Collection of data for tgui to use in displaying everything |
sprite_dir | The sprite dir currently being shown |
target | The "owner" object of this menu, is usually the greyscale object being edited but that can be changed for specific uses of this menu |
unlocked | Whether the menu is currently locked down to prevent abuse from players. Currently is only unlocked when opened from vv. |
user | The client that opened this menu |
Var Details

A keyed list of allowed configs in the form niceName:typepath

A callback to control what happens when the user presses apply. Used mainly for if you want the menu to be used outside of vv.

The current config being previewed

Whether the full preview should be generated, with this FALSE only the final sprite is shown instead of all steps.

The sprite icon state currently being shown

Whether the menu is in the middle of refreshing the preview

A list of colors currently selected

Collection of data for tgui to use in displaying everything

The sprite dir currently being shown

The "owner" object of this menu, is usually the greyscale object being edited but that can be changed for specific uses of this menu

Whether the menu is currently locked down to prevent abuse from players. Currently is only unlocked when opened from vv.

The client that opened this menu