/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Input Port

An input port that can only be connected to 1 output port

Registers a signal on the target output port to listen out for any output so that an update can be sent to the attached component


connected_portThe connected output port
defaultThe default value of this input
input_valueThe output value of the port
triggerWhether this port triggers an update whenever an output is received.


null_outputSignal handler proc to null the input if an atom is deleted. An update is not sent because this was not set by anything.
receive_outputSets a timer depending on the value of the input_receive_delay
register_output_portConnects the input port to the output port
set_inputUpdates the value of the input

Var Details


The connected output port


The default value of this input


The output value of the port


Whether this port triggers an update whenever an output is received.

Proc Details


Signal handler proc to null the input if an atom is deleted. An update is not sent because this was not set by anything.


Sets a timer depending on the value of the input_receive_delay

The timer will call a proc that updates the value. Arguments:


Connects the input port to the output port

Sets the input_value and registers a signal to receive future updates. Arguments:


Updates the value of the input

It updates the value of the input and calls input_received on the connected component Arguments: