
Vars | |
auto_fit_viewport | Should we automatically fit the viewport? |
body_type | Agendered spessmen can choose whether to have a male or female bodytype |
brief_outfit | If we spawn an ERT as an admin and choose to spawn as the briefing officer, we'll be given this outfit |
broadcast_login_logout | If we want to broadcast deadchat connect/disconnect messages |
chat_on_map | Runechat preference. If true, certain messages will be displayed on the map, not ust on the chat area. Boolean. |
favorite_outfits | What outfit typepaths we've favorited in the SelectEquipment menu |
hearted | Someone thought we were nice! We get a little heart in OOC until we join the server past the below time (we can keep it until the end of the round otherwise) |
hearted_until | If we have a hearted commendations, we honor it every time the player loads preferences until this time has been passed |
itemoutline_pref | Do we show item hover outlines? |
max_chat_length | Limit preference on the size of the message. Requires chat_on_map to have effect. |
persistent_scars | If we have persistent scars enabled |
pixel_size | What size should pixels be displayed as? 0 is strech to fit |
playtime_reward_cloak | The playtime_reward_cloak variable can be set to TRUE from the prefs menu only once the user has gained over 5K playtime hours. If true, it allows the user to get a cool looking roundstart cloak. |
scaling_method | What scaling method should we use? Distort means nearest neighbor |
screentip_color | Color of screentips at top of screen |
screentip_pref | Do we show screentips, if so, how big? |
see_chat_non_mob | Whether non-mob messages will be displayed, such as machine vendor announcements. Requires chat_on_map to have effect. Boolean. |
see_rc_emotes | Whether emotes will be displayed on runechat. Requires chat_on_map to have effect. Boolean. |
widescreenpref | Should we be in the widescreen mode set by the config? |
Procs | |
apply_character_randomization_prefs | Randomizes the character according to preferences. |
apply_prefs_to | Applies the given preferences to a human mob. |
check_keybindings | checks through keybindings for outdated unbound keys and updates them |
hardcore_random_setup | Setup the random hardcore quirks and give the character the new score prize. |
randomise_appearance_prefs | Fully randomizes everything in the character. |
safe_transfer_prefs_to | Sanitizes the preferences, applies the randomization prefs, and then applies the preference to the human mob. |
sanitize_chosen_prefs | Sanitization checks to be performed before using these preferences. |
select_hardcore_quirks | Goes through all quirks that can be used in hardcore mode and select some based on a random budget. Returns the new value to be gained with this setup, plus the previously earned score. |
should_be_random_hardcore | Returns whether the parent mob should have the random hardcore settings enabled. Assumes it has a mind. |
Var Details

Should we automatically fit the viewport?

Agendered spessmen can choose whether to have a male or female bodytype

If we spawn an ERT as an admin and choose to spawn as the briefing officer, we'll be given this outfit

If we want to broadcast deadchat connect/disconnect messages

Runechat preference. If true, certain messages will be displayed on the map, not ust on the chat area. Boolean.

What outfit typepaths we've favorited in the SelectEquipment menu

Someone thought we were nice! We get a little heart in OOC until we join the server past the below time (we can keep it until the end of the round otherwise)

If we have a hearted commendations, we honor it every time the player loads preferences until this time has been passed

Do we show item hover outlines?

Limit preference on the size of the message. Requires chat_on_map to have effect.

If we have persistent scars enabled

What size should pixels be displayed as? 0 is strech to fit

The playtime_reward_cloak variable can be set to TRUE from the prefs menu only once the user has gained over 5K playtime hours. If true, it allows the user to get a cool looking roundstart cloak.

What scaling method should we use? Distort means nearest neighbor

Color of screentips at top of screen

Do we show screentips, if so, how big?

Whether non-mob messages will be displayed, such as machine vendor announcements. Requires chat_on_map to have effect. Boolean.

Whether emotes will be displayed on runechat. Requires chat_on_map to have effect. Boolean.

Should we be in the widescreen mode set by the config?
Proc Details
Randomizes the character according to preferences.
Applies the given preferences to a human mob.
checks through keybindings for outdated unbound keys and updates them
Setup the random hardcore quirks and give the character the new score prize.
Fully randomizes everything in the character.
Sanitizes the preferences, applies the randomization prefs, and then applies the preference to the human mob.
Sanitization checks to be performed before using these preferences.
Goes through all quirks that can be used in hardcore mode and select some based on a random budget. Returns the new value to be gained with this setup, plus the previously earned score.
Returns whether the parent mob should have the random hardcore settings enabled. Assumes it has a mind.