
Vars | |
damagetype_healer | What damage type does this bot support. Because the default is brute, if the medkit is brute-oriented there is a slight bonus to healing. set to "all" for it to heal any of the 4 base damage types |
declare_cooldown | Prevents spam of critical patient alerts. |
declare_crit | If active, the bot will transmit a critical patient alert to MedHUD users. |
firstaid | drop determining variable |
heal_amount | How much healing do we do at a time? |
heal_threshold | Start healing when they have this much damage in a category |
healthanalyzer | drop determining variable |
last_newpatient_speak | Don't spam the "HEY I'M COMING" messages |
last_tipping_action_voice | Cooldown to track last time we were tipped/righted and said a voice line, to avoid spam |
linked_techweb | techweb linked to the medbot |
shut_up | silences the medbot if TRUE |
skin | based off medkit_X skins in aibots.dmi for your selection; X goes here IE medskin_tox means skin var should be "tox" |
stationary_mode | If enabled, the Medibot will not move automatically. |
tending | Is the medbot currently tending wounds |
tipped_status | How panicked we are about being tipped over (why would you do this?) |
tipper_name | The name we got when we were tipped |
Procs | |
handle_panic | if someone tipped us over, check whether we should ask for help or just right ourselves eventually |
Var Details

What damage type does this bot support. Because the default is brute, if the medkit is brute-oriented there is a slight bonus to healing. set to "all" for it to heal any of the 4 base damage types

Prevents spam of critical patient alerts.

If active, the bot will transmit a critical patient alert to MedHUD users.

drop determining variable

How much healing do we do at a time?

Start healing when they have this much damage in a category

drop determining variable

Don't spam the "HEY I'M COMING" messages

Cooldown to track last time we were tipped/righted and said a voice line, to avoid spam

techweb linked to the medbot

silences the medbot if TRUE

based off medkit_X skins in aibots.dmi for your selection; X goes here IE medskin_tox means skin var should be "tox"

If enabled, the Medibot will not move automatically.

Is the medbot currently tending wounds

How panicked we are about being tipped over (why would you do this?)

The name we got when we were tipped
Proc Details
if someone tipped us over, check whether we should ask for help or just right ourselves eventually