Giant Spider

A versatile mob which can occur from a variety of sources.
A mob which can be created by botany or xenobiology. The basic type is the guard, which is slower but sturdy and outputs good damage. All spiders can produce webbing. Currently does not inject toxin into its target.
Vars | |
directive | The message that the mother spider left for this spider when the egg was layed. |
is_busy | Whether or not the spider is in the middle of an action. |
lay_web | The web laying ability |
menu_description | Short description of what this mob is capable of, for radial menu uses |
poison_per_bite | How much of a reagent the mob injects on attack |
poison_type | What reagent the mob injects targets with |
web_speed | How quickly the spider can place down webbing. One is base speed, larger numbers are slower. |
Var Details

The message that the mother spider left for this spider when the egg was layed.

Whether or not the spider is in the middle of an action.

The web laying ability

Short description of what this mob is capable of, for radial menu uses

How much of a reagent the mob injects on attack

What reagent the mob injects targets with

How quickly the spider can place down webbing. One is base speed, larger numbers are slower.