Spider Broodmother

The reproductive line of spider subtypes. Is the only subtype to lay eggs, which is the only way for spiders to reproduce.
A subtype of the giant spider which is the crux of a spider horde. Can lay normal eggs at any time which become normal spider types, but by consuming human bodies can lay special eggs which can become one of the more specialized subtypes, including possibly another broodmother. However, this spider subtype has no offensive capability and can be quickly dispatched without assistance from other spiders. They are also capable of sending messages to all living spiders, being a communication line for the rest of the horde.
Vars | |
cocoon_target | If the spider is trying to cocoon something, what that something is. |
consumed_mobs | A shared list of all the mobs consumed by any spider so that the same target can't be drained several times. |
fed | How many humans this spider has drained but not layed enriched eggs for. |
lay_eggs | The ability for the spider to lay basic eggs. |
lay_eggs_enriched | The ability for the spider to lay enriched eggs. |
letmetalkpls | The ability for the spider to send a message to all currently living spiders. |
set_directive | The ability for the spider to set a directive, a message shown to the child spider player when the player takes control. |
wrap | The ability for the spider to wrap targets. |
Procs | |
cocoon | Attempts to cocoon the spider's current cocoon_target. |
Var Details

If the spider is trying to cocoon something, what that something is.

A shared list of all the mobs consumed by any spider so that the same target can't be drained several times.

How many humans this spider has drained but not layed enriched eggs for.

The ability for the spider to lay basic eggs.

The ability for the spider to lay enriched eggs.

The ability for the spider to send a message to all currently living spiders.

The ability for the spider to set a directive, a message shown to the child spider player when the player takes control.

The ability for the spider to wrap targets.
Proc Details
Attempts to cocoon the spider's current cocoon_target.
Attempts to coccon the spider's cocoon_target after a do_after. If the target is a human who hasn't been drained before, ups the spider's fed counter so it can lay enriched eggs.