/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



my_regurgitateThis ability lets you fire a single random item from your pouch.
prank_pouchThis is the list of items we are ready to regurgitate,


check_edibleReturns whether or not the supplied movable atom is edible.
eat_atomThis proc eats the atom, certain funny items are stored directly in the prank pouch while bananas grant a heal based on their potency and the peels are retained in the pouch.

Var Details


This ability lets you fire a single random item from your pouch.


This is the list of items we are ready to regurgitate,

Proc Details


Returns whether or not the supplied movable atom is edible.


This proc eats the atom, certain funny items are stored directly in the prank pouch while bananas grant a heal based on their potency and the peels are retained in the pouch.