/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


"Retro" ID card that renders itself as the icon state with no overlays.


accessAccess levels held by this card.
assignmentThe job name registered on the card (for example: Assistant).
cached_flat_iconCached icon that has been built for this card. Intended for use in chat.
is_internBoolean value. If TRUE, the [Intern] tag gets prepended to this ID card when the label is updated.
mining_pointsHow many magical mining Disney Dollars this card has for spending at the mining equipment vendors.
my_storeLinked paystand.
registered_accountLinked bank account.
registered_ageRegistered owner's age.
registered_nameThe name registered on the card (for example: Dr Bryan See)
trimTrim datum associated with the card. Controls which job icon is displayed on the card and which accesses do not require wildcards.
wildcard_slotsList of wildcard slot names as keys with lists of wildcard data as values.


add_accessAttempts to add the given accesses to the ID card as non-wildcards.
add_wildcardsAttempts to add the given wildcards to the ID card.
alt_click_can_use_idHelper proc. Can the user alt-click the ID?
build_access_listsHelper proc. Creates access lists for the access procs.
can_add_wildcardsHelper proc, checks whether the ID card can hold any given set of wildcards.
clear_accessClears all accesses from the ID card - both wildcard and normal.
clear_accountClears the economy account from the ID card.
get_cached_flat_iconIf no cached_flat_icon exists, this proc creates it and crops it. This proc then returns the cached_flat_icon. Intended only for use displaying ID card icons in chat.
insert_moneyInsert credits or coins into the ID card and add their value to the associated bank account.
mass_insert_moneyInsert multiple money or money-equivalent items at once.
remove_accessRemoves the given accesses from the ID Card.
remove_wildcardsRemoves wildcards from the ID card.
set_accessAttempts to set the card's accesses to the given accesses, clearing all accesses not in the given list.
set_new_accountAttempts to set a new bank account on the ID card.
update_in_walletCalled on COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATED_ICON. Updates the visuals of the wallet this card is in.
update_labelUpdates the name based on the card's vars and state.

Var Details


Access levels held by this card.


The job name registered on the card (for example: Assistant).


Cached icon that has been built for this card. Intended for use in chat.


Boolean value. If TRUE, the [Intern] tag gets prepended to this ID card when the label is updated.


How many magical mining Disney Dollars this card has for spending at the mining equipment vendors.


Linked paystand.


Linked bank account.


Registered owner's age.


The name registered on the card (for example: Dr Bryan See)


Trim datum associated with the card. Controls which job icon is displayed on the card and which accesses do not require wildcards.


List of wildcard slot names as keys with lists of wildcard data as values.

Proc Details


Attempts to add the given accesses to the ID card as non-wildcards.

Depending on the mode, may add accesses as wildcards or error if it can't add them as non-wildcards. Arguments:


Attempts to add the given wildcards to the ID card.



Helper proc. Can the user alt-click the ID?


Helper proc. Creates access lists for the access procs.

Takes the accesses list and compares it with the trim. Any basic accesses that match the trim are added to basic_access_list and the rest are added to wildcard_access_list.

This proc directly modifies the lists passed in as args. It expects these lists to be instantiated. There is no return value. Arguments:


Helper proc, checks whether the ID card can hold any given set of wildcards.

Returns TRUE if the card can hold the wildcards, FALSE otherwise. Arguments:


Clears all accesses from the ID card - both wildcard and normal.


Clears the economy account from the ID card.


If no cached_flat_icon exists, this proc creates it and crops it. This proc then returns the cached_flat_icon. Intended only for use displaying ID card icons in chat.


Insert credits or coins into the ID card and add their value to the associated bank account.

Arguments: money - The item to attempt to convert to credits and insert into the card. user - The user inserting the item. physical_currency - Boolean, whether this is a physical currency such as a coin and not a holochip.


Insert multiple money or money-equivalent items at once.

Arguments: money - List of items to attempt to convert to credits and insert into the card. user - The user inserting the items.


Removes the given accesses from the ID Card.

Will remove the wildcards if the accesses given are on the card as wildcard accesses. Arguments:


Removes wildcards from the ID card.



Attempts to set the card's accesses to the given accesses, clearing all accesses not in the given list.

Depending on the mode, may add accesses as wildcards or error if it can't add them as non-wildcards. Arguments:


Attempts to set a new bank account on the ID card.


Called on COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATED_ICON. Updates the visuals of the wallet this card is in.


Updates the name based on the card's vars and state.