Integrated Circuit Component

A component that performs a function when given an input
Can be attached to an integrated circuitboard, where it can then be connected between other components to provide an output or to receive an input. This is the base type of all components
Vars | |
circuit_flags | The flags of the circuit to control basic generalised behaviour. |
current_option | The current selected option |
display_desc | The description of the component shown on the UI |
display_name | The name of the component shown on the UI |
input_ports | A list that contains the components the input ports on this component Used to connect between the ports |
options | The options that this component can take on. Limited to strings |
output_ports | A list that contains the outpurt ports on this component Used to connect between the ports |
parent | The integrated_circuit that this component is attached to. |
power_usage_per_input | The power usage whenever this component receives an input |
rel_x | Used to determine the x position of the component within the UI |
rel_y | Used to determine the y position of the component within the UI |
trigger_input | Generic trigger input for triggering this component |
Procs | |
add_input_port | Adds an input port and returns it |
add_output_port | Adds an output port and returns it |
add_to | Called when this component is about to be added to an integrated_circuit. |
create_table_notices | Creates a table UI notice entry to be used in get_ui_notices() |
create_ui_notice | Creates a UI notice entry to be used in get_ui_notices() |
disconnect | Disconnects a component from other components |
get_ui_notices | Gets the UI notices to be displayed on the CircuitInfo panel. |
input_received | Called whenever an input is received from one of the ports. |
load_data_from_list | Loads data from a list |
populate_options | Called when the options variable should be set. |
register_shell | Called when a shell is registered from the component/the component is added to a circuit. |
remove_input_port | Removes an input port and deletes it. This will not cleanup any references made by derivatives of the circuit component |
remove_output_port | Removes an output port and deletes it. This will not cleanup any references made by derivatives of the circuit component |
removed_from | Called when this component is removed from an integrated_circuit. |
save_data_to_list | Saves data to a list. Shouldn't be used unless you are quite literally saving the data of a component to a list. Input value is the list to save the data to |
set_option | Sets the option on this component |
unregister_shell | Called when a shell is unregistered from the component/the component is removed from a circuit. |
Var Details

The flags of the circuit to control basic generalised behaviour.

The current selected option

The description of the component shown on the UI

The name of the component shown on the UI

A list that contains the components the input ports on this component Used to connect between the ports

The options that this component can take on. Limited to strings

A list that contains the outpurt ports on this component Used to connect between the ports

The integrated_circuit that this component is attached to.

The power usage whenever this component receives an input

Used to determine the x position of the component within the UI

Used to determine the y position of the component within the UI

Generic trigger input for triggering this component
Proc Details
Adds an input port and returns it
- name - The name of the input port
- type - The datatype it handles
- trigger - Whether this input port triggers an update on the component when updated.
Adds an output port and returns it
- name - The name of the output port
- type - The datatype it handles.
Called when this component is about to be added to an integrated_circuit.
Creates a table UI notice entry to be used in get_ui_notices()
Returns a list that can then be added to the return list in get_ui_notices() Used by components to list their available columns. Recommended to use at the end of get_ui_notices()
Creates a UI notice entry to be used in get_ui_notices()
Returns a list that can then be added to the return list in get_ui_notices()
Disconnects a component from other components
Disconnects both the input and output ports of the component
Gets the UI notices to be displayed on the CircuitInfo panel.
Returns a list of buttons in the following format list( "icon" = ICON(string) "content" = CONTENT(string) "color" = COLOR(string, not a hex) )
Called whenever an input is received from one of the ports.
Return value indicates that the circuit should not do anything. Also prevents an output signal. Arguments:
- port - Can be null. The port that sent the input
Loads data from a list
Called when the options variable should be set.
Called when a shell is registered from the component/the component is added to a circuit.
Register all signals here on the shell. Arguments:
- shell - Shell being registered
Removes an input port and deletes it. This will not cleanup any references made by derivatives of the circuit component
- input_port - The input port to remove.
Removes an output port and deletes it. This will not cleanup any references made by derivatives of the circuit component
- output_port - The output port to remove.
Called when this component is removed from an integrated_circuit.
Saves data to a list. Shouldn't be used unless you are quite literally saving the data of a component to a list. Input value is the list to save the data to
Sets the option on this component
Can only be a value from the options variable Arguments:
- option - The option that has been switched to.
Called when a shell is unregistered from the component/the component is removed from a circuit.
Unregister all signals here on the shell. Arguments:
- shell - Shell being unregistered