/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


The plumbing RCD. All the blueprints are located in _globalvars > lists > construction.dm


blueprinttype of the plumbing machine
choicesindex, used in the attack self to get the type. stored here since it doesnt change
current_layerCurrent selected layer
layersPossible layers to pick from
machinery_dataAll info for construction
name_to_typeindex, used in the attack self to get the type. stored here since it doesnt change
plumbing_design_typesThis list that holds all the plumbing design types the plumberer can construct. Its purpose is to make it easy to make new plumberer subtypes with a different selection of machines.


create_machinepretty much rcd_create, but named differently to make myself feel less bad for copypasting from a sibling-type
set_plumbing_designsSet the list of designs this plumbing rcd can make

Var Details


type of the plumbing machine


index, used in the attack self to get the type. stored here since it doesnt change


Current selected layer


Possible layers to pick from


All info for construction


index, used in the attack self to get the type. stored here since it doesnt change


This list that holds all the plumbing design types the plumberer can construct. Its purpose is to make it easy to make new plumberer subtypes with a different selection of machines.

Proc Details


pretty much rcd_create, but named differently to make myself feel less bad for copypasting from a sibling-type


Set the list of designs this plumbing rcd can make