/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



ex_devhow big of a devastation explosion radius on prime
ex_flamehow big of a flame explosion radius on prime
ex_heavyhow big of a heavy explosion radius on prime
ex_lighthow big of a light explosion radius on prime
shrapnel_radiusthe higher this number, the more projectiles are created as shrapnel
shrapnel_typeif set, will spew out projectiles of this type


arm_grenadearm_grenade (formerly preprime) refers to when a grenade with a standard time fuze is activated, making it go beepbeepbeep and then detonate a few seconds later. Grenades with other triggers like remote igniters probably skip this step and go straight to /obj/item/grenade/proc/detonate
detonatedetonate (formerly prime) refers to when the grenade actually delivers its payload (whether or not a boom/bang/detonation is involved)

Var Details


how big of a devastation explosion radius on prime


how big of a flame explosion radius on prime


how big of a heavy explosion radius on prime


how big of a light explosion radius on prime


the higher this number, the more projectiles are created as shrapnel


if set, will spew out projectiles of this type

Proc Details


arm_grenade (formerly preprime) refers to when a grenade with a standard time fuze is activated, making it go beepbeepbeep and then detonate a few seconds later. Grenades with other triggers like remote igniters probably skip this step and go straight to /obj/item/grenade/proc/detonate


detonate (formerly prime) refers to when the grenade actually delivers its payload (whether or not a boom/bang/detonation is involved)
