
Vars | |
affect_cyborg | Can we stun cyborgs? |
cooldown | Default wait time until can stun again. |
knockdown_time | The length of the knockdown applied to a struck living, non-cyborg mob. |
on | Are we on or off? |
on_sound | "On" sound, played when switching between able to stun or not. |
on_stun_sound | The path of the default sound to play when we stun something. |
stamina_damage | How much stamina damage we deal on a successful hit against a living, non-cyborg mob. |
stun_animation | Do we animate the "hit" when stunning something? |
stun_time_cyborg | If affect_cyborg is TRUE, this is how long we stun cyborgs for on a hit. |
Procs | |
additional_effects_cyborg | Contains any special effects that we apply to cyborgs we stun. Does not include flashing the cyborg's screen, hardstunning them, etc. |
additional_effects_non_cyborg | Contains any special effects that we apply to living, non-cyborg mobs we stun. Does not include applying a knockdown, dealing stamina damage, etc. |
get_cyborg_stun_description | Default message for stunning a cyborg. |
get_on_description | Description for when turning the baton "on". |
get_stun_description | Default message for stunning a living, non-cyborg mob. |
get_unga_dunga_cyborg_stun_description | Default message for trying to stun a cyborg with a baton that can't stun cyborgs. |
get_wait_description | Description for trying to stun when still on cooldown. |
Var Details

Can we stun cyborgs?

Default wait time until can stun again.

The length of the knockdown applied to a struck living, non-cyborg mob.

Are we on or off?

"On" sound, played when switching between able to stun or not.

The path of the default sound to play when we stun something.

How much stamina damage we deal on a successful hit against a living, non-cyborg mob.

Do we animate the "hit" when stunning something?

If affect_cyborg is TRUE, this is how long we stun cyborgs for on a hit.
Proc Details
Contains any special effects that we apply to cyborgs we stun. Does not include flashing the cyborg's screen, hardstunning them, etc.
Contains any special effects that we apply to living, non-cyborg mobs we stun. Does not include applying a knockdown, dealing stamina damage, etc.
Default message for stunning a cyborg.
Description for when turning the baton "on".
Default message for stunning a living, non-cyborg mob.
Default message for trying to stun a cyborg with a baton that can't stun cyborgs.
Description for trying to stun when still on cooldown.