
Vars | |
healing_factor | Healing factor and decay factor function on % of maxhealth, and do not work by applying a static number per tick |
prev_damage | Organ variables for determining what we alert the owner with when they pass/clear the damage thresholds |
reagent_vol | The size of the reagent container |
useable | When you take a bite you cant jam it in for surgery anymore. |
Procs | |
applyOrganDamage | Adjusts an organ's damage by the amount "damage_amount", up to a maximum amount, which is by default max damage |
before_organ_replacement | Called before organs are replaced in regenerate_organs with new ones |
check_damage_thresholds | |
examine | Damage decrements by a percent of its maxhealth Damage decrements again by a percent of its maxhealth, up to a total of 4 extra times depending on the owner's health |
get_availability | |
get_status_text | Called by medical scanners to get a simple summary of how healthy the organ is. Returns an empty string if things are fine. |
handle_failing_organs | Organs don't die instantly, and neither should you when you get fucked up |
organ_failure | |
setOrganDamage | SETS an organ's damage to the amount "damage_amount", and in doing so clears or sets the failing flag, good for when you have an effect that should fix an organ if broken |
Var Details

Healing factor and decay factor function on % of maxhealth, and do not work by applying a static number per tick

Organ variables for determining what we alert the owner with when they pass/clear the damage thresholds

The size of the reagent container

When you take a bite you cant jam it in for surgery anymore.
Proc Details
Adjusts an organ's damage by the amount "damage_amount", up to a maximum amount, which is by default max damage
Called before organs are replaced in regenerate_organs with new ones
- check_damage_thresholds
- input: mob/organ_owner (a mob, the owner of the organ we call the proc on)
- output: returns a message should get displayed.
- description: By checking our current damage against our previous damage, we can decide whether we've passed an organ threshold.
- If we have, send the corresponding threshold message to the owner, if such a message exists.
Damage decrements by a percent of its maxhealth Damage decrements again by a percent of its maxhealth, up to a total of 4 extra times depending on the owner's health
returns whether the species should innately have this organ.
regenerate organs works with generic organs, so we need to get whether it can accept certain organs just by what this returns.
This is set to return true or false, depending on if a species has a specific organless trait. stomach for example checks if the species has NOSTOMACH and return based on that.
owner_species - species, needed to return whether the species has an organ specific trait
Called by medical scanners to get a simple summary of how healthy the organ is. Returns an empty string if things are fine.
Organs don't die instantly, and neither should you when you get fucked up
generic proc for handling dying organs
delta_time - seconds since last tick
SETS an organ's damage to the amount "damage_amount", and in doing so clears or sets the failing flag, good for when you have an effect that should fix an organ if broken