
System for drawing organs with overlays. These overlays are drawn directly on the bodypart, attached to a person or not Works in tandem with the /datum/sprite_accessory datum to generate sprites Unlike normal organs, we're actually inside a persons limbs at all times
Vars | |
all_layers | Convert the bitflag define into the actual layer define |
cache_key | Key of the icon states of all the sprite_datums for easy caching |
dna_block | With what DNA block do we mutate in mutate_feature() ? For genetics |
layers | Sometimes we need multiple layers, for like the back, middle and front of the person |
organ_flags | Unremovable is until the features are completely finished |
ownerlimb | Reference to the limb we're inside of |
preference | Defines what kind of 'organ' we're looking at. Sprites have names like 'm_firemoth_mothwings'. 'mothwings' would then be preference |
sprite_datum | Sprite datum we use to draw on the bodypart |
Procs | |
Initialize | mob_sprite is optional if you havent set sprite_datums for the object, and is used mostly to generate sprite_datums from a persons DNA For _mob_sprite we make a distinction between "Round Snout" and "round". Round Snout is the name of the sprite datum, while "round" would be part of the sprite I'm sorry |
bitflag_to_layer | Converts a bitflag to the right layer. I'd love to make this a static index list, but byond made an attempt on my life when i did |
can_draw_on_bodypart | Check whether we can draw the overlays. You generally don't want lizard snouts to draw over an EVA suit |
generate_icon_cache | Generate a unique key based on our sprites. So that if we've aleady drawn these sprites, they can be found in the cache and wont have to be drawn again (blessing and curse) |
get_global_feature_list | Return a dumb glob list for this specific feature (called from parse_sprite) |
get_overlays | Add the overlays we need to draw on a person. Called from _bodyparts.dm |
get_sprite_datum | Because all the preferences have names like "Beautiful Sharp Snout" we need to get the sprite datum with the actual important info |
mutant_bodyparts_layertext | This exists so sprite accessories can still be per-layer without having to include that layer's number in their sprite name, which causes issues when those numbers change. |
mutate_feature | Update our features after something changed our appearance |
Var Details

Convert the bitflag define into the actual layer define

Key of the icon states of all the sprite_datums for easy caching

With what DNA block do we mutate in mutate_feature() ? For genetics

Sometimes we need multiple layers, for like the back, middle and front of the person

Unremovable is until the features are completely finished

Reference to the limb we're inside of

Defines what kind of 'organ' we're looking at. Sprites have names like 'm_firemoth_mothwings'. 'mothwings' would then be preference

Sprite datum we use to draw on the bodypart
Proc Details
mob_sprite is optional if you havent set sprite_datums for the object, and is used mostly to generate sprite_datums from a persons DNA For _mob_sprite we make a distinction between "Round Snout" and "round". Round Snout is the name of the sprite datum, while "round" would be part of the sprite I'm sorry
Converts a bitflag to the right layer. I'd love to make this a static index list, but byond made an attempt on my life when i did
Check whether we can draw the overlays. You generally don't want lizard snouts to draw over an EVA suit
Generate a unique key based on our sprites. So that if we've aleady drawn these sprites, they can be found in the cache and wont have to be drawn again (blessing and curse)
Return a dumb glob list for this specific feature (called from parse_sprite)
Add the overlays we need to draw on a person. Called from _bodyparts.dm
Because all the preferences have names like "Beautiful Sharp Snout" we need to get the sprite datum with the actual important info
This exists so sprite accessories can still be per-layer without having to include that layer's number in their sprite name, which causes issues when those numbers change.
Update our features after something changed our appearance