
Vars | |
endurance | Amount of health the plant has. |
genes | Plant genes are stored here, see for more info. |
graft_gene | Type-path of trait to be applied when grafting a plant. |
grafted | Determines if the plant has had a graft removed or not. |
growing_icon | the file that stores the sprites of the growing plant from this seed. |
growthstages | Amount of growth sprites the plant has. |
icon_dead | Used to override dead icon (default is "[species]-dead" ). You can use one dead icon for multiple closely related plants with it. |
icon_grow | Used to override grow icon (default is "[species]-grow" ). You can use one grow icon for multiple closely related plants with it. |
icon_harvest | Used to override harvest icon (default is "[species]-harvest" ). If null, plant will use [icon_grow][growthstages] . |
lifespan | How long before the plant begins to take damage from age. |
maturation | Used to determine which sprite to switch to when growing. |
mutatelist | The type of plants that this plant can mutate into. |
plantname | Name of plant when planted. |
potency | The 'power' of a plant. Generally effects the amount of reagent in a plant, also used in other ways. |
product | A type path. The thing that is created when the plant is harvested. |
productdesc | Describes the product on the product path. |
production | Changes the amount of time needed for a plant to become harvestable. |
rarity | How rare the plant is. Used for giving points to cargo when shipping off to CentCom. |
reagents_add | A list of reagents to add to product. |
seed_flags | Determines if the plant should be allowed to mutate early at 30+ instability. |
species | Used to update icons. Should match the name in the sprites unless all icon_* are overridden. |
weed_chance | Percentage chance per tray update to grow weeds |
weed_rate | If the chance below passes, then this many weeds sprout during growth |
yield | Amount of growns created per harvest. If is -1, the plant/shroom/weed is never meant to be harvested. |
Procs | |
adjust_endurance | Adjusts seed endurance up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 100) |
adjust_instability | Adjusts seed instability up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 100) |
adjust_lifespan | Our plant's max yield Adjusts seed lifespan up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 100) |
adjust_potency | Adjusts seed potency up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 100) |
adjust_production | Adjusts seed production seed up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 10) |
adjust_weed_chance | Adjusts seed weed chance up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 67%) |
adjust_weed_rate | Adjusts seed weed grwoth speed up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 10) |
adjust_yield | The number of nutriments we have inside of our plant, for use in our heating / cooling genes Setters procs /// Adjusts seed yield up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 10) |
apply_graft | Applies a graft to this plant. |
create_graft | Creates a graft from this plant. |
get_unique_analyzer_text | Override for seeds with unique text for their analyzer. (No newlines at the start or end of unique text!) Returns null if no unique text, or a string of text if there is. |
on_chem_reaction | Override for seeds with special chem reactions. |
prepare_result | Reference to the tray/soil the seeds are planted in. Count used for creating the correct amount of results to the harvest. List of plants all harvested from the same batch. Tile of the harvester to deposit the growables. Name of the grown products. The Number of products produced by the plant, typically the yield. Modified by certain traits. This is where plant chemical products are handled. |
set_endurance | Sets the plant's endurance stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 100) |
set_instability | Sets the plant's instability stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 100) |
set_lifespan | Our plant's max yield Sets the plant's lifespan stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 100) |
set_mutability | This proc adds a mutability_flag to a gene |
set_potency | Sets the plant's potency stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 100) |
set_production | Sets the plant's production stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 10) |
set_weed_chance | Sets the plant's weed growth percentage to the value of adjustamt. (Max 67%) |
set_weed_rate | Sets the plant's weed production rate to the value of adjustamt. (Max 10) |
set_yield | Sets the plant's yield stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 10, or 5 with some traits) |
unset_mutability | This proc removes a mutability_flag from a gene |
Var Details

Amount of health the plant has.

Plant genes are stored here, see for more info.

Type-path of trait to be applied when grafting a plant.

Determines if the plant has had a graft removed or not.

the file that stores the sprites of the growing plant from this seed.

Amount of growth sprites the plant has.

Used to override dead icon (default is "[species]-dead"
). You can use one dead icon for multiple closely related plants with it.

Used to override grow icon (default is "[species]-grow"
). You can use one grow icon for multiple closely related plants with it.

Used to override harvest icon (default is "[species]-harvest"
). If null, plant will use [icon_grow][growthstages]

How long before the plant begins to take damage from age.

Used to determine which sprite to switch to when growing.

The type of plants that this plant can mutate into.

Name of plant when planted.

The 'power' of a plant. Generally effects the amount of reagent in a plant, also used in other ways.

A type path. The thing that is created when the plant is harvested.

Describes the product on the product path.

Changes the amount of time needed for a plant to become harvestable.

How rare the plant is. Used for giving points to cargo when shipping off to CentCom.

A list of reagents to add to product.

Determines if the plant should be allowed to mutate early at 30+ instability.

Used to update icons. Should match the name in the sprites unless all icon_* are overridden.

Percentage chance per tray update to grow weeds

If the chance below passes, then this many weeds sprout during growth

Amount of growns created per harvest. If is -1, the plant/shroom/weed is never meant to be harvested.
Proc Details
Adjusts seed endurance up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 100)
Adjusts seed instability up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 100)
Our plant's max yield Adjusts seed lifespan up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 100)
Adjusts seed potency up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 100)
Adjusts seed production seed up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 10)
Adjusts seed weed chance up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 67%)
Adjusts seed weed grwoth speed up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 10)
The number of nutriments we have inside of our plant, for use in our heating / cooling genes Setters procs /// Adjusts seed yield up or down according to adjustamt. (Max 10)
Applies a graft to this plant.
Adds the graft trait to this plant if possible. Increases plant stats by 2/3 of the grafts stats to a maximum of 100 (10 for yield). Returns TRUE if the graft could apply its trait successfully, FALSE if it fails to apply the trait. NOTE even if the graft fails to apply the trait it still adjusts the plant's stats and reagents.
- snip: The graft being used applied to this plant.
Creates a graft from this plant.
Creates a new graft from this plant. Sets the grafts trait to this plants graftable trait. Gives the graft a reference to this plant. Copies all the relevant stats from this plant to the graft. Returns the created graft.
Override for seeds with unique text for their analyzer. (No newlines at the start or end of unique text!) Returns null if no unique text, or a string of text if there is.
Override for seeds with special chem reactions.
Reference to the tray/soil the seeds are planted in. Count used for creating the correct amount of results to the harvest. List of plants all harvested from the same batch. Tile of the harvester to deposit the growables. Name of the grown products. The Number of products produced by the plant, typically the yield. Modified by certain traits. This is where plant chemical products are handled.
Individually, the formula for individual amounts of chemicals is Potency * the chemical production %, rounded to the fullest 1. Specific chem handling is also handled here, like bloodtype, food taste within nutriment, and the auto-distilling/autojuicing traits. This is where chemical reactions can occur, and the heating / cooling traits effect the reagent container.
Sets the plant's endurance stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 100)
Sets the plant's instability stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 100)
Our plant's max yield Sets the plant's lifespan stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 100)
This proc adds a mutability_flag to a gene
Sets the plant's potency stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 100)
Sets the plant's production stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 10)
Sets the plant's weed growth percentage to the value of adjustamt. (Max 67%)
Sets the plant's weed production rate to the value of adjustamt. (Max 10)
Sets the plant's yield stat to the value of adjustamt. (Max 10, or 5 with some traits)
This proc removes a mutability_flag from a gene