Power cell

Vars | |
charge | Current charge in cell units |
chargerate | how much power is given every tick in a recharger |
corrupted | If the power cell was damaged by an explosion, chance for it to become corrupted and function the same as rigged. |
grown_battery | If it's a grown that acts as a battery, add a wire overlay to it. |
maxcharge | Maximum charge in cell units |
ratingdesc | If true, the cell will state it's maximum charge in it's description |
rigged | If the cell has been booby-trapped by injecting it with plasma. Chance on use() to explode. |
Procs | |
on_reagents_del | Handles properly detaching signal hooks. |
Var Details

Current charge in cell units

how much power is given every tick in a recharger

If the power cell was damaged by an explosion, chance for it to become corrupted and function the same as rigged.

If it's a grown that acts as a battery, add a wire overlay to it.

Maximum charge in cell units

If true, the cell will state it's maximum charge in it's description

If the cell has been booby-trapped by injecting it with plasma. Chance on use() to explode.
Proc Details
Handles properly detaching signal hooks.