Gas Tank

Handheld gas canisters Can rupture explosively if overpressurized
Vars | |
air_contents | The gases this tank contains. Don't modify this directly, use return_air() to get it instead |
distribute_pressure | The pressure of the gases this tank supplies to internals. |
excited | Used by process() to track if there's a reason to process each tick |
leaking | Whether the tank is currently leaking. |
tank_holder_icon_state | Icon state when in a tank holder. Null makes it incompatible with tank holder. |
volume | The volume of this tank. |
Procs | |
handle_tolerances | Handles the minimum and maximum pressure tolerances of the tank. |
obj_break | Handles the tank springing a leak. |
obj_destruction | Handles rupturing and fragmenting |
rad_act | Handle fragmentation |
remove_air_volume | Removes some volume of the tanks gases as the tanks distribution pressure. |
Var Details

The gases this tank contains. Don't modify this directly, use return_air() to get it instead

The pressure of the gases this tank supplies to internals.

Used by process() to track if there's a reason to process each tick

Whether the tank is currently leaking.

Icon state when in a tank holder. Null makes it incompatible with tank holder.

The volume of this tank.
Proc Details
Handles the minimum and maximum pressure tolerances of the tank.
Returns true if it did anything of significance, false otherwise Arguments:
- delta_time: How long has passed between ticks.
Handles the tank springing a leak.
Handles rupturing and fragmenting
Handle fragmentation
Removes some volume of the tanks gases as the tanks distribution pressure.
- volume_to_return: The amount of volume to remove from the tank.