/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



base_iconBase icon state for the machine to be used in update_icon()
gas_inputVar that controls how much gas gets injected in moles per tick
internalInternal Gas mix used for processing the gases that have been put in
progress_barSaves the progress during the processing of the items
quality_lossStores the amount of lost quality
selected_recipeStores the recipe selected by the user in the GUI
total_recipe_molesStores the total amount of moles needed for the current recipe


check_gas_requirementsChecks if the gases in the input are the ones needed by the recipe
check_temp_requirementsChecks if the reaction temperature is inside the range of temperature + a little deviation
dump_gasesRemoves the gases from the internal gasmix when the recipe is changed
heat_calculationsCalculation for the heat of the various gas mixes and controls the quality of the item
heat_conductionConduction between the internal gasmix and the moderating (cooling/heating) gasmix.
inject_gasesInjects the gases from the input inside the internal gasmix, the amount is dependant on the gas_input var
internal_checkChecks if the gases required are all inside
moles_calculationsCalculate the total moles needed for the recipe

Var Details


Base icon state for the machine to be used in update_icon()


Var that controls how much gas gets injected in moles per tick


Internal Gas mix used for processing the gases that have been put in


Saves the progress during the processing of the items


Stores the amount of lost quality


Stores the recipe selected by the user in the GUI


Stores the total amount of moles needed for the current recipe

Proc Details


Checks if the gases in the input are the ones needed by the recipe


Checks if the reaction temperature is inside the range of temperature + a little deviation


Removes the gases from the internal gasmix when the recipe is changed


Calculation for the heat of the various gas mixes and controls the quality of the item


Conduction between the internal gasmix and the moderating (cooling/heating) gasmix.


Injects the gases from the input inside the internal gasmix, the amount is dependant on the gas_input var


Checks if the gases required are all inside


Calculate the total moles needed for the recipe