/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Camera console used to control a base building drone

Using this console will put the user in control of a base building drone. The drone will appear somewhere within the allowed_area var, or if no area is specified, at the location of the console.area Upon interacting, the user will be granted a set of base building actions that will generally be carried out at the drone's location. To create a new base builder system, this class should be the only thing that needs to be subtyped.


allowed_areaArea that the eyeobj will be constrained to. If null, eyeobj will be able to build and move anywhere.
construction_actionsActions given to the console user to help with base building. Actions are generally carried out at the location of the eyeobj
internal_rcdInternal RCD. Some construction actions rely on having this.
structuresAssoc. list ("structure_name" : count) that keeps track of the number of special structures that can't be built with an RCD, for example, tiny fans or turrets.


GrantActionsGo through every action object in the construction_action list (which should be fully initialized by now) and grant it to the user.
find_spawn_spotFind a spawn location for the eyeobj. If no allowed_area is defined, spawn ontop of the console.
populate_actions_listFill the construction_actios list with actions
restock_materialsReload materials used by the console

Var Details


Area that the eyeobj will be constrained to. If null, eyeobj will be able to build and move anywhere.


Actions given to the console user to help with base building. Actions are generally carried out at the location of the eyeobj


Internal RCD. Some construction actions rely on having this.


Assoc. list ("structure_name" : count) that keeps track of the number of special structures that can't be built with an RCD, for example, tiny fans or turrets.

Proc Details


Go through every action object in the construction_action list (which should be fully initialized by now) and grant it to the user.


Find a spawn location for the eyeobj. If no allowed_area is defined, spawn ontop of the console.


Fill the construction_actios list with actions

Instantiate each action object that we'll be giving to users of this console, and put it in the construction actions list.


Reload materials used by the console

Restocks any materials used by the base construction console. This might mean refilling the internal RCD (should it be initialized), or giving the structures list default values.