/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



alert_level_tickHow many times the alert level has been changed Used to clear the modal to change alert level
authorize_accessThe access that the card had on login
authorize_nameThe name of the user who logged in
cyborg_stateThe current state of the UI for AIs
important_action_cooldownCooldown for important actions, such as messaging CentCom or other sectors
last_status_displayThe last lines used for changing the status display
messagesThe messages this console has been sent
stateThe current state of the UI


authenticatedAre we a silicon, OR logged in?
authenticated_as_non_silicon_captainAre we NOT a silicon, AND we're logged in as the captain?
authenticated_as_silicon_or_captainAre we a silicon, OR we're logged in as the captain?
can_buy_shuttlesReturns TRUE if the user can buy shuttles. If they cannot, returns FALSE or a string detailing why.
can_purchase_this_shuttleReturns whether we are authorized to buy this specific shuttle. Does not handle prerequisite checks, as those should still show.
emergency_meetingCall an emergency meeting
has_communicationReturns whether or not the communications console can communicate with the station
override_cooldownOverride the cooldown for special actions Used in places such as CentCom messaging back so that the crew can answer right away

Var Details


How many times the alert level has been changed Used to clear the modal to change alert level


The access that the card had on login


The name of the user who logged in


The current state of the UI for AIs


Cooldown for important actions, such as messaging CentCom or other sectors


The last lines used for changing the status display


The messages this console has been sent


The current state of the UI

Proc Details


Are we a silicon, OR logged in?


Are we NOT a silicon, AND we're logged in as the captain?


Are we a silicon, OR we're logged in as the captain?


Returns TRUE if the user can buy shuttles. If they cannot, returns FALSE or a string detailing why.


Returns whether we are authorized to buy this specific shuttle. Does not handle prerequisite checks, as those should still show.


Call an emergency meeting

Comm Console wrapper for the Communications subsystem wrapper for the call_emergency_meeting world proc. Checks to make sure the proc can be called, and handles relevant feedback, logging and timing. See the SScommunications proc definition for more detail, in short, teleports the entire crew to the bridge for a meetup. Should only really happen during april fools. Arguments:


Returns whether or not the communications console can communicate with the station


Override the cooldown for special actions Used in places such as CentCom messaging back so that the crew can answer right away