/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



airlock_stateThe current state of the airlock, used to construct the airlock overlays
sealThe seal on the airlock


beforeShuttleMoveTurf move procs
set_wiresGenerates the airlock's wire layout based on the current area the airlock resides in.
try_remove_sealUsed when attempting to remove a seal from an airlock

Var Details


The current state of the airlock, used to construct the airlock overlays


The seal on the airlock

Proc Details


Turf move procs

Area move procs

Machinery move procs


Generates the airlock's wire layout based on the current area the airlock resides in.

Returns a new /datum/wires/ with the appropriate wire layout based on the airlock_wires of the area the airlock is in.


Used when attempting to remove a seal from an airlock

Called when attacking an airlock with an empty hand, returns TRUE (there was a seal and we removed it, or failed to remove it) or FALSE (there was no seal) Arguments: