/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Basic plumbing object. It doesn't really hold anything special, YET. Objects that are plumbing but not a subtype are as of writing liquid pumps and the reagent_dispenser tank Also please note that the plumbing component is toggled on and off by the component using a signal from default_unfasten_wrench, so dont worry about it


bufferPlumbing machinery is always gonna need reagents, so we might aswell put it here
reagent_flagsFlags for reagents, like INJECTABLE, TRANSPARENT bla bla everything thats in DEFINES/reagents.dm


Initializewheter we partake in rcd construction or not

Var Details


Plumbing machinery is always gonna need reagents, so we might aswell put it here


Flags for reagents, like INJECTABLE, TRANSPARENT bla bla everything thats in DEFINES/reagents.dm

Proc Details


wheter we partake in rcd construction or not