/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



contents_pressure_protectionHow close being inside of the thing provides complete pressure safety. Must be between 0 and 1!
contents_thermal_insulationHow insulated the thing is, for the purposes of calculating body temperature. Must be between 0 and 1!
divableWhether a skittish person can dive inside this closet. Disable if opening the closet causes "bad things" to happen or that it leads to a logical inconsistency.
enable_door_overlayControls whether a door overlay should be applied using the icon_door value as the icon state
strong_grabtrue whenever someone with the strong pull component is dragging this, preventing opening
weather_protectionProtection against weather that being inside of it provides.


after_closeProc to override for effects after closing a door
after_openProc to override for effects after opening a door

Var Details


How close being inside of the thing provides complete pressure safety. Must be between 0 and 1!


How insulated the thing is, for the purposes of calculating body temperature. Must be between 0 and 1!


Whether a skittish person can dive inside this closet. Disable if opening the closet causes "bad things" to happen or that it leads to a logical inconsistency.


Controls whether a door overlay should be applied using the icon_door value as the icon state


true whenever someone with the strong pull component is dragging this, preventing opening


Protection against weather that being inside of it provides.

Proc Details


Proc to override for effects after closing a door


Proc to override for effects after opening a door