
A grouping of tiles into a logical space, mostly used by map editors
Vars | |
airlock_wires | Wire assignment for airlocks in this area |
always_unpowered | This gets overridden to 1 for space in area/. |
area_limited_icon_smoothing | Typepath to limit the areas (subtypes included) that atoms in this area can smooth with. Used for shuttles. |
areasize | Size of the area in open turfs, only calculated for indoors areas. |
atmosalm | Whether there is an atmos alarm in this area |
beauty | Beauty average per open turf in the area |
beauty_threshold | If a room is too big it doesn't have beauty. |
fire | Do we have an active fire alarm? |
map_generator | This datum, if set, allows terrain generation behavior to be ran on Initialize() |
max_ambience_cooldown | Used to decide what the maximum time between ambience is |
min_ambience_cooldown | Used to decide what the minimum time between ambience is |
mood_bonus | Bonus mood for being in this area |
mood_message | Mood message for being here, only shows up if mood_bonus != 0 |
mood_trait | Does the mood bonus require a trait? |
network_area_id | Area network id when you want to find all devices hooked up to this area |
network_root_id | Default network root for this area aka station, lavaland, etc |
outdoors | For space, the asteroid, lavaland, etc. Used with blueprints or with weather to determine if we are adding a new area (vs editing a station room) |
requires_power | Will objects this area be needing power? |
sound_environment | Used to decide what kind of reverb the area makes sound have |
totalbeauty | All beauty in this area combined, only includes indoor area. |
triggered_firealarms | How many fire alarm sources do we have? |
Procs | |
AllowDrop | Causes a runtime error |
Destroy | Destroy an area and clean it up |
Entered | Call back when an atom enters an area |
Exited | Called when an atom exits an area |
LateInitialize | Sets machine power levels in the area |
ModifyFiredoors | Try to close all the firedoors in the area |
New | Called when an area loads |
PlaceOnTopReact | A hook so areas can modify the incoming args (of what??) |
addStaticPower | Add a static amount of power load to an area |
atmosalert | Generate an atmospheric alert for this area |
burglaralert | Raise a burglar alert for this area |
clear_camera | Get rid of any dangling camera refs |
clear_usage | Clear all power usage in area |
close_and_lock_door | Close and lock a door passed into this proc |
drop_location | Causes a runtime error |
firealert | Generate a firealarm alert for this area |
firereset | Reset the firealarm alert for this area |
on_joining_game | Called when a living mob that spawned here, joining the round, receives the player client. |
power_change | Called when the area power status changes |
poweralert | Generate a power alert for this area |
powered | Returns int 1 or 0 if the area has power for the given channel |
process | If 100 ticks has elapsed, toggle all the firedoors closed again |
reg_in_areas_in_z | Register this area as belonging to a z level |
set_fire_alarm_effect | Trigger the fire alarm visual affects in an area |
setup | Setup an area (with the given name) |
unset_fire_alarm_effects | unset the fire alarm visual affects in an area |
update_areasize | Set the area size of the area |
update_beauty | Divides total beauty in the room by roomsize to allow us to get an average beauty per tile. |
update_icon_state | Update the icon state of the area |
use_power | Add a power value amount to the stored used_x variables |
Var Details

Wire assignment for airlocks in this area

This gets overridden to 1 for space in area/.

Typepath to limit the areas (subtypes included) that atoms in this area can smooth with. Used for shuttles.

Size of the area in open turfs, only calculated for indoors areas.

Whether there is an atmos alarm in this area

Beauty average per open turf in the area

If a room is too big it doesn't have beauty.

Do we have an active fire alarm?

This datum, if set, allows terrain generation behavior to be ran on Initialize()

Used to decide what the maximum time between ambience is

Used to decide what the minimum time between ambience is

Bonus mood for being in this area

Mood message for being here, only shows up if mood_bonus != 0

Does the mood bonus require a trait?

Area network id when you want to find all devices hooked up to this area

Default network root for this area aka station, lavaland, etc

For space, the asteroid, lavaland, etc. Used with blueprints or with weather to determine if we are adding a new area (vs editing a station room)

Will objects this area be needing power?

Used to decide what kind of reverb the area makes sound have

All beauty in this area combined, only includes indoor area.

How many fire alarm sources do we have?
Proc Details
Causes a runtime error
Destroy an area and clean it up
Removes the area from GLOB.areas_by_type and also stops it processing on SSobj
This is despite the fact that no code appears to put it on SSobj, but who am I to argue with old coders
Call back when an atom enters an area
Sends signals COMSIG_AREA_ENTERED and COMSIG_ENTER_AREA (to a list of atoms)
If the area has ambience, then it plays some ambience music to the ambience channel
Called when an atom exits an area
Sends signals COMSIG_AREA_EXITED and COMSIG_EXIT_AREA (to a list of atoms)
Sets machine power levels in the area
Try to close all the firedoors in the area
Called when an area loads
Adds the item to the GLOB.areas_by_type list based on area type
A hook so areas can modify the incoming args (of what??)
Add a static amount of power load to an area
Generate an atmospheric alert for this area
Sends to all ai players, alert consoles, drones and alarm monitor programs in the world
Raise a burglar alert for this area
Close and locks all doors in the area and alerts silicon mobs of a break in
Alarm auto resets after 600 ticks
Get rid of any dangling camera refs
Clear all power usage in area
Clears all power used for equipment, light and environment channels
Close and lock a door passed into this proc
Does this need to exist on area? probably not
Causes a runtime error
Generate a firealarm alert for this area
Sends to all ai players, alert consoles, drones and alarm monitor programs in the world
Also starts the area processing on SSobj
Reset the firealarm alert for this area
resets the alert sent to all ai players, alert consoles, drones and alarm monitor programs in the world
Also cycles the icons of all firealarms and deregisters the area from processing on SSOBJ
Called when a living mob that spawned here, joining the round, receives the player client.
Called when the area power status changes
Updates the area icon, calls power change on all machinees in the area, and sends the COMSIG_AREA_POWER_CHANGE
Generate a power alert for this area
Sends to all ai players, alert consoles, drones and alarm monitor programs in the world
Returns int 1 or 0 if the area has power for the given channel
evalutes a mixture of variables mappers can set, requires_power, always_unpowered and then per channel power_equip, power_light, power_environ
If 100 ticks has elapsed, toggle all the firedoors closed again
Register this area as belonging to a z level
Ensures the item is added to the SSmapping.areas_in_z list for this z
Trigger the fire alarm visual affects in an area
Updates the fire light on fire alarms in the area and sets all lights to emergency mode
Setup an area (with the given name)
Sets the area name, sets all status var's to false and adds the area to the sorted area list
unset the fire alarm visual affects in an area
Updates the fire light on fire alarms in the area and sets all lights to emergency mode
Set the area size of the area
This is the number of open turfs in the area contents, or FALSE if the outdoors var is set
Divides total beauty in the room by roomsize to allow us to get an average beauty per tile.
Update the icon state of the area
Im not sure what the heck this does, somethign to do with weather being able to set icon states on areas?? where the heck would that even display?
Add a power value amount to the stored used_x variables