/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



bare_wound_bonusIf this attacks a human with no wound armor on the affected body part, add this to the wound mod. Some attacks may be significantly worse at wounding if there's even a slight layer of armor to absorb some of it vs bare flesh
custom_fire_overlayCustom fire overlay icon
damage_deflectionDamage under this value will be completely ignored
id_tagMap tag for something. Tired of it being used on snowflake items. Moved here for some semblance of a standard. Next pr after the network fix will have me refactor door interactions, so help me god.
network_idNetwork id. If set it can be found by either its hardware id or by the id tag if thats set. It can also be broadcasted to as long as the other guys network is on the same branch or above.
wound_bonusHow good a given object is at causing wounds on carbons. Higher values equal better shots at creating serious wounds.


CanAStarPassThis proc is used for telling whether something can pass by this object in a given direction, for use by the pathfinding system.
DestroyNeeds to run before as ComponentInitialize runs after this statement...why do we have ComponentInitialize again?
GetExplosionBlockreturns how much the object blocks an explosion. Used by subtypes.
acid_actthe obj's reaction when touched by acid
acid_meltcalled when the obj is destroyed by acid.
attack_tk_grabTelekinesis object grab act.
burncalled when the obj is destroyed by fire
check_reskin_menuChecks if we are allowed to interact with a radial menu for reskins
deconstructthe obj is deconstructed into pieces, whether through careful disassembly or when destroyed.
expose_reagentsHandles exposing an object to reagents.
extinguishCalled when the obj is no longer on fire.
fire_act/ FIRE Called when the obj is exposed to fire.
get_integrityThis mostly exists to keep obj_integrity private. Might be useful in the future.
hulk_damageCalled to get the damage that hulks will deal to the obj.
integrate_amountReturn used to determine how many resources a swarmer gains when consuming an object
modify_max_integritychanges max_integrity while retaining current health percentage, returns TRUE if the obj got broken.
obj_breakCalled after the obj takes damage and integrity is below integrity_failure level
obj_destructionwhat happens when the obj's integrity reaches zero.
obj_fixCalled when integrity is repaired above the breaking point having been broken before
pipe_ejectGeneral proc used to expel a holder's contents through src (for bins holder is also the src).
play_attack_soundthe sound played when the obj is damaged.
repair_damageProc for recovering obj_integrity. Returns the amount repaired by
reskin_objReskins object based on a user's choice
run_obj_armorreturns the damage value of the attack after processing the obj's various armor protections
take_damageThe essential proc to call when an obj must receive damage of any kind.
update_integrityHandles the integrity of an object changing. This must be called instead of changing integrity directly.
zap_actCalled when the obj is hit by a tesla bolt.
zap_buckle_checkOnly tesla coils, vehicles, and grounding rods currently call this because mobs are already targeted over all other objects, but this might be useful for more things later.

Var Details


If this attacks a human with no wound armor on the affected body part, add this to the wound mod. Some attacks may be significantly worse at wounding if there's even a slight layer of armor to absorb some of it vs bare flesh


Custom fire overlay icon


Damage under this value will be completely ignored


Map tag for something. Tired of it being used on snowflake items. Moved here for some semblance of a standard. Next pr after the network fix will have me refactor door interactions, so help me god.


Network id. If set it can be found by either its hardware id or by the id tag if thats set. It can also be broadcasted to as long as the other guys network is on the same branch or above.


How good a given object is at causing wounds on carbons. Higher values equal better shots at creating serious wounds.

Proc Details


This proc is used for telling whether something can pass by this object in a given direction, for use by the pathfinding system.

Trying to generate one long path across the station will call this proc on every single object on every single tile that we're seeing if we can move through, likely multiple times per tile since we're likely checking if we can access said tile from multiple directions, so keep these as lightweight as possible.



Needs to run before as ComponentInitialize runs after this statement...why do we have ComponentInitialize again?


returns how much the object blocks an explosion. Used by subtypes.


the obj's reaction when touched by acid


called when the obj is destroyed by acid.


Telekinesis object grab act.


called when the obj is destroyed by fire


Checks if we are allowed to interact with a radial menu for reskins



the obj is deconstructed into pieces, whether through careful disassembly or when destroyed.


Handles exposing an object to reagents.


Called when the obj is no longer on fire.


/ FIRE Called when the obj is exposed to fire.


This mostly exists to keep obj_integrity private. Might be useful in the future.


Called to get the damage that hulks will deal to the obj.


Return used to determine how many resources a swarmer gains when consuming an object


changes max_integrity while retaining current health percentage, returns TRUE if the obj got broken.


Called after the obj takes damage and integrity is below integrity_failure level


what happens when the obj's integrity reaches zero.


Called when integrity is repaired above the breaking point having been broken before


General proc used to expel a holder's contents through src (for bins holder is also the src).


the sound played when the obj is damaged.


Proc for recovering obj_integrity. Returns the amount repaired by


Reskins object based on a user's choice



returns the damage value of the attack after processing the obj's various armor protections


The essential proc to call when an obj must receive damage of any kind.


Handles the integrity of an object changing. This must be called instead of changing integrity directly.


Called when the obj is hit by a tesla bolt.


Only tesla coils, vehicles, and grounding rods currently call this because mobs are already targeted over all other objects, but this might be useful for more things later.